stefanoa / SASlideMenu

Library to create iOS sliding menu compatible with storyboards
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Gesture recognisers after tap on menu button #116

Open firuz1844 opened 10 years ago

firuz1844 commented 10 years ago

Hello Stefanoa and others! I am faced the next strange behaviour in the SASlideMenu - when I open menu by tapping on menu button, and then close it by sliding it back the content view are not respond to any gestures. PS iOS 7.1

stefanoa commented 10 years ago

Hello Firuz,

Do you have a simple example/project that shows the problem ?

firuz1844 commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately no, because the project is not simple and very large. I found some interesting thing - when i tap menu button panningState property in SASLideMenuRootViewController changes to SASlideMenuStateRight (it's means, thats we are showing left menu now). But when i sliding content view back with panGesture - the panningState property is not changes and stet still SASlideMenuStateRight. It's why is content view doesn't responds - its protected with tapShield. But next strange thing - is that tapShield doesn't worked for me never. I mean - when i am showing left menu I can interact at the same time with content view.

stefanoa commented 10 years ago

What type of content are you showing ?

firuz1844 commented 10 years ago

It is static table view. But it's doesn't matter, because any type of content are not respond. If i tapped once on the content view and the next gestures (after that tap) are responds. It's looks like the tapShield is prevent gestures. I tried your demo project - the behaviour are same. Try to open your sample project. Then tap on menu button and then slide out back by dragging (not press button). And you will get unrespondable view. But if you press once it will respond after that

stefanoa commented 10 years ago

I could not reproduce your behaviour but I found that sometimes the shield is not working, I have to look at it. What version are you using?

firuz1844 commented 10 years ago


stefanoa commented 10 years ago

Ok, thank you