stefanoa / SASlideMenu

Library to create iOS sliding menu compatible with storyboards
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PanGesture not working on UI-Elements like TableViewCells #27

Closed hartlco closed 11 years ago

hartlco commented 11 years ago

I don't know if it's a bug or I missed something. I'm not able to drag the View to the right to show the left slidemenu when I'm dragging on top of an UI-Element, like a table or buttons. This is working on apps like Facebook or Path. This is happening on both variants, dynamic and static.

Here are two screenshots form the example project:

This is working: iOS Simulator Bildschirmfoto 09 01 2013 19 35 32

This is not working: iOS Simulator Bildschirmfoto 09 01 2013 19 35 12

stefanoa commented 11 years ago

The problem seems linked to the embedded UITableView. If you apply the gesture in the small space outside the UITableView the gesture is working correctly. I will have a look at that.

stefanoa commented 11 years ago

Making a little more investigation a found that probably the current behavior is correct. If you have a UITableView and perform a pan gesture the table will scroll, if the pan gesture was recognized also from the parent view the content will start panning horizontally because each pan gesture will always have a vertical and horizontal component. The end result will be a double effect while you will making a gesture for a single purpose.