stefanopagliari / bibnotes

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The extracted annotation's link without annotation ID? #70

Closed xuey06 closed 2 years ago

xuey06 commented 2 years ago

The plugin is very useful and wonderful. While there are some bugs I can not fix them.

The extracted annotation's link lost its annotation ID.



The extracted images lost their corresponding annotations link, such as:


stefanopagliari commented 2 years ago

@xuey06 Thank you for alerting me of this. I was not aware that it was possible to link to the specific annotation. I will look into adding this. Apologies but I had to take a break from working on this plugin because of other commitments.

stefanopagliari commented 2 years ago

I have added this feature in the release 0.9.142

Thanks @CaoKang-David for providing the code