stelligent / mutato

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CI should generate docs and publish them to Github Pages #34

Closed 3p3r closed 4 years ago

3p3r commented 4 years ago

Force push docs to gh-pages branch when they are built. We'll host them there.


mneil commented 4 years ago

S3 is another alternative. I think the current docs are there. If gh-pages custom domains are included in our subscription and SSL is free then github is fine.

Otherwise, talk with @oshaughnessy and find out where the current docs are. We can't / won't move them yet but we should at least know where they are and where the domain is so that we can transition it later.

oshaughnessy commented 4 years ago sends you to itself is hosted in S3. The domain is in Route53 in our prod account.

Pushing to GH Pages and hosting there sounds fine by me, whether we continue doing a redirect from or want to point a custom hostname there.