stepjam / RLBench

A large-scale benchmark and learning environment.
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Installable on macOS? #242

Open ryan-roche opened 2 months ago

ryan-roche commented 2 months ago

Hello. I'm looking into a possible project using RLBench, and was wondering if there's any way to get RLBench running on macOS. CoppeliaSim has official binaries for darwin-arm64, so I just need to figure out whether it's possible to get RLBench working with such an install.

The application package has a somewhat similar structure to that of the Ubuntu tarball, so I think it might be possible

ryan-roche commented 2 months ago

Quick correction- Arm macOS didn't exit when 4.1.0 released so there's only an x86 binary for macOS for that version, but it works via Rosetta