ambiguous flag set to True in fromName2Timestamp. If the data between 28/10/2018 2:00-3:00 am are overwritten and cannot be used, then both True and False are correct (check '/eos/user/s/skostogl/SWAN_projects/Noise/Power_converter_DST.ipynb' ). We should move these dat to another folder
If startFile, endFile functionalities are needed, we should sort first the list based on timestamp otherwise 1st November is on top.
Follow harmonics to be modified once we know if average of acquisitions or another combination is best.
ambiguous flag set to True in fromName2Timestamp. If the data between 28/10/2018 2:00-3:00 am are overwritten and cannot be used, then both True and False are correct (check '/eos/user/s/skostogl/SWAN_projects/Noise/Power_converter_DST.ipynb' ). We should move these dat to another folder
If startFile, endFile functionalities are needed, we should sort first the list based on timestamp otherwise 1st November is on top.
Follow harmonics to be modified once we know if average of acquisitions or another combination is best.