steve1316 / granblue-automation-pyautogui

Educational application aimed at automating user-defined workflows for the mobile game, "Granblue Fantasy", using a variety of CV technologies in the backend such as OpenCV, PyAutoGUI and EasyOCR and a frontend coded in Typescript.
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Proving grounds when second event option not working #163

Closed plisquin closed 1 year ago

plisquin commented 1 year ago

00:00:00 [INFO] Device dimensions: 1920x1080

00:00:00 #################### 00:00:00 #################### 00:00:00 [FARM] Starting Farming Mode for Proving Grounds. 00:00:00 [FARM] Farming 300x Repeated Runs at Extreme. 00:00:00 #################### 00:00:00 ####################

00:00:00 [PROVING.GROUNDS] Now beginning process to navigate to the mission: Extreme...

00:00:00 [DEBUG] Starting process to find the HOME header image... 00:00:00 [DEBUG] Match found with 0.983 >= 0.8 at Point {20.0, 57.0} using scale: 1.0. 00:00:00 [DEBUG] Current location confirmed to be at HOME. 00:00:00 [INFO] Bot is already at the Home screen. 00:00:00 [DEBUG] Now attempting to find and click the "home_menu" button.

00:00:00 [DEBUG] Starting process to find the HOME_MENU button image... 00:00:00 [DEBUG] Match found with 0.91 >= 0.8 at Point {931.0, 39.0} using scale: 1.0. 00:00:00 [DEBUG] Found the HOME_MENU at {1004.0, 90.0}.

00:00:01 [DEBUG] Starting process to find all EVENT_BANNER images... 00:00:02 [DEBUG] Match found with 0.869 >= 0.8 at Point {146.0, 1697.0} with scale: 1.0. 00:00:02 [DEBUG] Match not found with 0.6641741394996643 < 0.8 at Point {146.0, 1696.0} with scale: 1.0. 00:00:02 [DEBUG] Found match locations for event_banner: [{187.0, 1460.0}, {192.0, 1715.0}].

00:00:05 [DEBUG] Starting process to find the PROVING_GROUNDS header image... 00:00:05 [DEBUG] Match not found with 0.381 not >= 0.8 at Point {382.0, 46.0} using scale 1.0. 00:00:05 [DEBUG] Source bitmap is null. Moving the screen a bit and waiting a second before trying again. 00:00:07 [DEBUG] Match not found with 0.381 not >= 0.8 at Point {382.0, 46.0} using scale 1.0. 00:00:08 [DEBUG] Match not found with 0.381 not >= 0.8 at Point {382.0, 46.0} using scale 1.0. 00:00:08 [DEBUG] Source bitmap is null. Moving the screen a bit and waiting a second before trying again. 00:00:09 [DEBUG] Match not found with 0.381 not >= 0.8 at Point {382.0, 46.0} using scale 1.0. 00:00:10 [DEBUG] Match not found with 0.381 not >= 0.8 at Point {382.0, 46.0} using scale 1.0. 00:00:10 [WARNING] Failed to confirm the bot location at PROVING_GROUNDS. 00:00:10 GAA encountered an Exception:$ProvingGroundsException: Failed to arrive at Proving Grounds page. at at at at com.steve1316.granblue_automation_android.StartModule.onStartEvent( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus.invokeSubscriber( at org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus.postToSubscription( at org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus.postSingleEventForEventType( at org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus.postSingleEvent( at at org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus.postSticky( at com.steve1316.automation_library.utils.BotService$onCreate$1$onTouch$1.invoke(BotService.kt:136) at com.steve1316.automation_library.utils.BotService$onCreate$1$onTouch$1.invoke(BotService.kt:120) at kotlin.concurrent.ThreadsKt$thread$thread$

steve1316 commented 1 year ago

Sending this over to the correct repo at