steve71 / RasPiBrew

Raspberry Pi Temperature Controller for homebrewing and sous vide cooking
MIT License
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IOError with raspibew #2

Closed chrisnaber closed 10 years ago

chrisnaber commented 10 years ago

Steve. I am trying to run Raspibrew. I followed the tutorial at

When I run the program, it hangs up and shows the following " IOError: (Errno 2) No such file or directory: 'config.xml.
The config.xml file is in the var/www directory that I created and it has been updated with the ID of the 1wire sensor that I am using. image

Any thoughts?

steve71 commented 10 years ago

Use 'sudo python' instead of 'python'

chrisnaber commented 10 years ago


Thanks for the response. I tried running as sudo, but it had the same result. I am going to try to reformat and go through the entire setup process again to see if I missed something. Thanks again for the help. If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to pass them along.

chrisnaber commented 10 years ago

I reformated and reloaded everything. I was having issues with the static IP. I left it dynamic. Could that be the problem? It seems like it is an IO issue, but it is beyond me to figure that out :(

By the way, thank for putting the tutorial up. I'm sure that there is something that I am doing wrong, or some configuration issue.

steve71 commented 10 years ago

Did you try putting in the full directory path to the config.xml file in
If the config.xml and file is in /var/www/RasPiBrew/ then the line of code would be: tree = ET.parse('/var/www/RasPiBrew/config.xml') Also make sure you type 'sudo bash' before 'python'