stevejenkins / pihole-cloudsync

Syncs blocklists, blacklists, and whitelists across multiple Pi-holes using a private GitHub repo
MIT License
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Running this in a docker-container #44

Open pluim003 opened 1 year ago

pluim003 commented 1 year ago

I run Pihole and Unbound in a Docker-container, so I guess I have to put the script in the docker-image as well and let it run from there. I'll check out how I can add this to it. Might indeed be convenient. Added a 2nd pihole in another network a few days ago, but adding manually all the lists is one hell of a job, so I quit after a few. :-)

pluim003 commented 1 year ago

Update: I added it to the creation of the pihole-unbound-image. Created a volume which will remain untouched upon recreation of the image/container which maps to the my-pihole-lists-repository. It takes some manual steps the first time and hopefully by using git config credential.helper store I don't have to enter credentials anymore after recreating an image/container.

My first initpull on my second pihole resulted in:

During pihole_cloudsync --initpull

[i] Creating new gravity databases... [✗] Unable to copy data from /etc/pihole/gravity.db to /etc/pihole/gravity.db_temp Parse error near line 15: foreign key mismatch - "domainlist_by_group" referencing "domainlist" Parse error near line 19: foreign key mismatch - "adlist_by_group" referencing "adlist" [✓] Building tree [✓] Swapping databases [✓] The old database remains available. [i] Number of gravity domains: 0 (0 unique domains) [i] Number of exact blacklisted domains: 32 [i] Number of regex blacklist filters: 1 [i] Number of exact whitelisted domains: 10 [i] Number of regex whitelist filters: 0 [✓] Flushing DNS cache [✓] Cleaning up stray matter

with an empty gravity.db. When running pihole -g again I had a new gravity.db but the webinterface still said I had 0 domains on the adlist. After another bounce of the container everything looked normal again.

pluim003 commented 1 year ago

Another update: updating the container with a new image gave me again to enter credentials. As I mapped a volume to the my-pihole-lists-directory I entered in .git/config hardcoded in the url username and password (or better the key). It's not the safest way but can't find another way at the moment.

Then I would like to add something to the cron, but that should be based on whether it's a primary or secundairy pihole. Maybe just a file with the cron-entry which should be copied through another cron-job (which can be made hardcoded). Are there better solutions?

pluim003 commented 1 year ago

Think I found what's causing the issue. As I try it manually I notice the following:

root@pihole2:/etc/pihole# sqlite3 gravity.db "DROP table adlist;" root@pihole2:/etc/pihole# sqlite3 gravity.db "DROP table domainlist;" root@pihole2:/etc/pihole# sqlite3 gravity.db ".import /usr/local/bin/my-pihole-lists/adlist.csv adlist" root@pihole2:/etc/pihole# sqlite3 gravity.db ".import /usr/local/bin/my-pihole-lists/domainlist.csv domainlist" /usr/local/bin/my-pihole-lists/domainlist.csv:12: expected 1 columns but found 2 - extras ignored root@pihole2:/etc/pihole#

Then I checked csv and table and specifically line 12:


d,type,domain,enabled,date_added,date_modified,comment 1,0,,1,1639114561,1639114561,"Honeywell API voor Home Assistant" 2,0,,1,1639120354,1639120354,"Added from Query Log" 3,0,,1,1639669994,1639669994,"Added from Query Log" 4,0,,1,1642966367,1642966367,"Added from Query Log" 5,0,,1,1643191831,1643191831,"zoeken in Google en dan doorklikken gaat niet goed" 6,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 7,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 8,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 9,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 10,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 15,3,(.|^)$,1,1655474830,1655474830, 18,1,,1,1655542288,1655542288,"Added from Query Log" 20,1,,1,1655542295,1655542295,"Added from Query Log"


root@pihole2:/etc/pihole# sqlite3 gravity.db "select * from domainlist;" 1,0,,1,1639114561,1639114561,"Honeywell API voor Home Assistant" 2,0,,1,1639120354,1639120354,"Added from Query Log" 3,0,,1,1639669994,1639669994,"Added from Query Log" 4,0,,1,1642966367,1642966367,"Added from Query Log" 5,0,,1,1643191831,1643191831,"zoeken in Google en dan doorklikken gaat niet goed" 6,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 7,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 8,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 9,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 10,0,,1,1643191952,1643191952,"Zoeken met Google en doorklikken" 15,3,(. 18,1,,1,1655542288,1655542288,"Added from Query Log" 20,1,,1,1655542295,1655542295,"Added from Query Log"

This regex-thing is causing trouble and requires a second pihole -g-run

pluim003 commented 1 year ago

adding -- ascii to the import-command solves it and the row gets nicely imported.

pluim003 commented 1 year ago

And after another run still trouble. Tried it with adding ".separator ','" to the import-lines and -v (for verbose logging) and without -ascii. Still trouble with respect to foreign keys:

[i] Creating new gravity databases... [✗] Unable to copy data from /etc/pihole/gravity.db to /etc/pihole/gravity.db_temp Parse error near line 15: foreign key mismatch - "domainlist_by_group" referencing "domainlist" Parse error near line 19: foreign key mismatch - "adlist_by_group" referencing "adlist"

pluim003 commented 1 year ago

And after another run still trouble. Tried it with adding ".separator ','" to the import-lines and -v (for verbose logging) and without -ascii. Still trouble with respect to foreign keys:

[i] Creating new gravity databases... [✗] Unable to copy data from /etc/pihole/gravity.db to /etc/pihole/gravity.db_temp Parse error near line 15: foreign key mismatch - "domainlist_by_group" referencing "domainlist" Parse error near line 19: foreign key mismatch - "adlist_by_group" referencing "adlist"

pluim003 commented 1 year ago

Finally managed to solve the foreign key stuff. Even though foreign keys are enabled it was still complaining. Solved it by also exporting the adlist_by_group and domainlist_by_group-tables, dropping them and importing them. Now pihole -g runs without error.