stevenschobert / instafeed.js

A simple Instagram JavaScript plugin for your website
MIT License
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Get actual Comments? #6

Closed jdcauley closed 8 years ago

jdcauley commented 11 years ago

I'm assuming its just on the docket to pull the full list of comments?

Also you're my favorite person ever

stevenschobert commented 11 years ago

Thanks! Glad you're finding the library useful! :smile:

My time is really limited right now (full-time job etc), so I can't promise it will be anytime soon. But I can add that onto the roadmap to look into!

iphipps commented 11 years ago

Any updates on this?

I thought maybe {{model.comments}} could work; tried to no avail. Is there a list of the what can be called using the model dot notation?

I second jdcauley's sentiments. This is an amazing library. Thank you for putting it together.

jdcauley commented 11 years ago

@iphipps I ended up having to go a different library for comments you can see my finished project at

I need to put up a demo again I don't think there is one at the moment, but I believe if you clone it there are api keys in place already.

stevenschobert commented 11 years ago

@iphipps: Take a look at #21 for a complete-ish list of what's in {{model}}. Keep in mind, the dot-notation will only work if the final property is a primitive. Trying to use arrays/objects in the template option will only print out [object Object] in the final template.

Sorry, I haven't any updates on this feature request. The only way to do it right now would be to write some custom logic in the success: function (data) { } callback, which would kinda depend on how comfortable you are with JavaScript.

Honestly though, if you are trying to build a full-featured Instagram app, then Instafeed.js is not going to be a good fit for you. It was really only intended for simple little one-page feeds, or just to show some of you recent pictures. Anything more complex really needs a server-side component to handle all the heavy API lifting.

iphipps commented 11 years ago

@jdcauley, looks good; thanks for the suggestion. For now, I'm not sure I need to include the comments, but might revisit your repo depending.

I really enjoy how instafeed.js is pure js and runs client side; not to shy away from php but... just feel I won't need it for this project.

@stevenschobert , I should have looked through the questions for the information on models, forgive me. That post perfectly answers my question on models.

For comments, the success function callback might prove a good option. I'm not sure I'll need comments, and I definitely don't need the ability to post, full feature type of app; passive content is the goal here.

Thank you both, I look forward to seeing where this repo goes in coming months.

veevee06 commented 9 years ago

@stevenschobert - I'm pulling a series of images using get: 'tagged' and there are images posted by one or more ig users that I want to filter out. Is it possible using your filter to filter out username? I haven't been able to get the filter to work when using the tagged method.

Thanks, Vernon Davis