stijnsanders / TMongoWire

Delphi MongoDB driver
MIT License
102 stars 37 forks source link

Linux Adaption #48

Open Skullwing opened 4 years ago

Skullwing commented 4 years ago


I programmed an API using RAD Studio 10.4 including TMongoWire to connect to a MongoDB Server. Now I have the problem that this has to work on a Linux server. Is it possible to adapt it?


stijnsanders commented 4 years ago

I know very little about Linux, sorry.

fabriciocolombo commented 4 years ago

My version of the Mongo driver works with FreePascal on Linux (or used to work, a long time ago). But sorry, I haven't been maintaning since 2015. ( In that time i used Synapse as connection provider. I do not recommend using this library(, because as I said, I do not maintain it anymore. But it can serve to boost Linux support here. I would be happy to help in any way possible, although I no longer work with Delphi professionally.

Skullwing commented 4 years ago

Thanks, for your reply fabriciocolombo.

I already adapted MongoWire myself. At some point, I might share the adaption so it can be included in this project but for now it isn't safe to use since I didn't completly finish it yet and I don't have the time to finish it right now.

synopse commented 2 years ago

This mongo4delphi does not work with latest MongoDB 5.1/6.0 due to their change of the Wire protocol.

For a Linux compatible (and optimized) MongoDB client see - but it is for FPC. The mORMot driver is still maintained for sure.