still-ex / still

A composable Elixir static site generator
ISC License
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Question: How to install still-ex for GitHub Pages deployment in an existing mix project repository? #192

Closed zacky1972 closed 1 year ago

zacky1972 commented 1 year ago


still-ex is cool! How do I install still-ex to generate web pages to deploy as a GitHub Pages project site for my existing repository?

zacky1972 commented 1 year ago

Wow! I've done it!

Assume the repository exists on the directory github/my_repo, and the directory is not mix project.

  1. cd github
  2. mix my_repo
  3. cd my_repo
  4. git add -A and git commit
  5. create .github/workflows/site.yml according to
  6. create config/site.exs as import Config
  7. git add -A and git commit
  8. Open Settings on the remote repository
  9. Choose Pages on the left tab
  10. Choose Deploy from a branch of Source
  11. Choose gh-pages branch and root of Branch, and Save.
  12. git push

Then, the page will be published.