Thank you for taking the time to work on a pull request for awesome-audiovisual!
To ensure your PR is dealt with swiftly please check the following:
[X] Your submissions are formatted according to the following requirements:
- [Name](http://homepage/) - Short description, less than 250 characters. `Language`
Non free contributions
- [Name](http://homepage/) - `⚠ not free` Short description, less than 250 characters. `Language`
Free, but with premium contributions
- [Name](http://homepage/) - `⚠ freemium` Short description, less than 250 characters. `Language`
Open-source contributions
- [Name](http://homepage/) - `✓ open-source` Short description, less than 250 characters. `Language` ([Source Code](http://source-code)
[X] Your additions are ordered alphabetically.
[X] If your additions are open source, they must be marked with ✓ open-source
[X] If your additions are not free, or freemium (free, but also paid), they must be marked with ⚠ freemium or ⚠ not free.
[X] If the main link of your addition points to the program's source code, there is no need to add a duplicate Source Code link. The Source Code link is not mandatory.
[X] Any category you are creating has the minimum requirement of 3 items. If not, your addition may be inserted into Misc/Other.
[X] Any software project you are adding to the list is actively maintained.
Awesome-Audiovisual Pull Request
Thank you for taking the time to work on a pull request for awesome-audiovisual!
To ensure your PR is dealt with swiftly please check the following:
- [Name](http://homepage/) - Short description, less than 250 characters. `Language`
Non free contributions
- [Name](http://homepage/) - `⚠ not free` Short description, less than 250 characters. `Language`
Free, but with premium contributions
- [Name](http://homepage/) - `⚠ freemium` Short description, less than 250 characters. `Language`
Open-source contributions
- [Name](http://homepage/) - `✓ open-source` Short description, less than 250 characters. `Language` ([Source Code](http://source-code)
✓ open-source
⚠ freemium
or⚠ not free