Open ariden83 opened 7 years ago
When I my tests, with :
NODE_ENV='test' NO_PROXY=* jenkins-mocha test.js
The command:
shell.exit(shell.exec(command.join(' ')).code);
execute :
node '/.../node_modules/.bin/nyc' --reporter lcov --reporter text-summary --report-dir /.../artifacts/coverage -- node '/.../node_modules/jenkins-mocha/node_modules/.bin/_mocha' --reporter '/.../node_modules/spec-xunit-file/index.js' --colors 'test.js'
My tests are ok, I've got this message :
X passing (Xs)
artifacts folder and files are weel created
But Test are never kill, Jenkins cannot pass to next step.
Here ar my devDependencies :
"devDependencies": { "bunyan": "^1.8.1", "chai": "3.5.0", "chai-as-promised": "5.3.0", "eslint": "^3.0.1", "gulp": "^3.9.0", "istanbul": "^0.4.3", "jenkins-mocha": "6.0.0", "mocha": "^2.5.3", "mocha-jenkins-reporter": "0.3.10", "nock": "9.1.0", "node-dev": "3.1.3", "portfinder": "1.0.3", "uuid": "2.0.2" }
If I launch my tests :
NODE_ENV='test' NO_PROXY=* istanbul cover _mocha test.js
Tests are good and script was kill automaticly at the end.
Do you know why ?
Note: If I use "jenkins-mocha": "5.0.0". I don't have this problem.
It should be related to:
When I my tests, with :
NODE_ENV='test' NO_PROXY=* jenkins-mocha test.js
The command:
shell.exit(shell.exec(command.join(' ')).code);
execute :
node '/.../node_modules/.bin/nyc' --reporter lcov --reporter text-summary --report-dir /.../artifacts/coverage -- node '/.../node_modules/jenkins-mocha/node_modules/.bin/_mocha' --reporter '/.../node_modules/spec-xunit-file/index.js' --colors 'test.js'
X passing (Xs)
But Test are never kill, Jenkins cannot pass to next step.
Here ar my devDependencies :
If I launch my tests :
NODE_ENV='test' NO_PROXY=* istanbul cover _mocha test.js
Tests are good and script was kill automaticly at the end.
Do you know why ?