I wonder why the final fusion result of local run by docker is significantly different from the standard result released?
Comparing with the standard result "CICERO output SJBALL020016_C27_final_fusions.txt", which output 121 fusion results, my final fusion file has only 51. I wonder if some specific parameters need to be set?
Following the instructions, I run the CICERO through docker with DEMO data SJBALL020016_C27.bam in default parameters.
This is my command:
docker run -v /home/libproject/filebase/CICERO_GRCh37-lite_reference:/reference -v /home/libproject/Project/development/CICERO_test:/output ghcr.io/stjude/cicero:v1.5.1 Cicero.sh -b /output/SJBALL020016_C27.bam -g GRCh37-lite -r /reference -o /output/test_CICERO_output_v2
And there have no warning or error messages when running. I thought it was completely done. I have no idea how the differences generate.
I have updated the demo results and noted the CICERO version.
Could you use that CICERO version to run the demo?
Please let us know if you still see the big difference.
I wonder why the final fusion result of local run by docker is significantly different from the standard result released?
Comparing with the standard result "CICERO output SJBALL020016_C27_final_fusions.txt", which output 121 fusion results, my final fusion file has only 51. I wonder if some specific parameters need to be set?
Following the instructions, I run the CICERO through docker with DEMO data SJBALL020016_C27.bam in default parameters.
This is my command:
docker run -v /home/libproject/filebase/CICERO_GRCh37-lite_reference:/reference -v /home/libproject/Project/development/CICERO_test:/output ghcr.io/stjude/cicero:v1.5.1 Cicero.sh -b /output/SJBALL020016_C27.bam -g GRCh37-lite -r /reference -o /output/test_CICERO_output_v2
And there have no warning or error messages when running. I thought it was completely done. I have no idea how the differences generate.
Hope for your reply!