stm32duino / Arduino_Core_STM32

STM32 core support for Arduino
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Debugging generic STM32L0 missing target/stm32l0x.cfg #2471

Closed nemtsov closed 3 months ago

nemtsov commented 3 months ago

When attempting to run the debugger on a "Generic STM32L0 series" board, the "gdb-server" console reads the following error:

embedded:startup.tcl:28: Error: Can't find target/stm32l0x.cfg
in procedure 'script' 
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 28

The launch.json's configFiles section contains target/stm32l0x.cfg, but the file does not exist in xpack-openocd-0.12.0-3/openocd/scripts/target (nor in the latest 0.12.0-4). Instead there's a target/stm32l0.cfg file. When I update the launch.json to use the config that exists (without the x) the debugger starts without errors.

To Reproduce

  1. Install STM32 Mcu based boards in the Boards Manager
  2. Select the "Generic STM32L0 series" with the "/dev/cu.usbmodern1202 Serial Port (USB)"
  3. File -> Examples -> Basics -> Blink
  4. Press the "Start Debugging" button on the top left bar
  5. Notice the error in the "gdb-server" console

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fpistm commented 3 months ago

Thanks @nemtsov for pointing this. It is now fixed.