Closed Lizethgm closed 1 year ago
Hi @Lizethgm This is a know restriction. Currently, STM32LoRaWAN library implements itself its RTC usage. As the STM32LowPower is dependent of the STM32RTC then you can't use it. It is planned to use STM32RTC instead of own implementation for the STM32LoRaWan and the STM32LowPower.
I also stumbled upon this issue, getting the same error, after trying to follow the documentation on Low Power Applications
Linking .pio/build/STM32WLE5/firmware.elf
/home/jpmeijers/.platformio/packages/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: .pio/build/STM32WLE5/lib132/libSTM32duinoLoRaWAN.a(timer_if.c.o): in function `HAL_RTC_AlarmAEventCallback':
/home/jpmeijers/Documents/PlatformIO/Projects/LoraE5test/.pio/libdeps/STM32WLE5/STM32duinoLoRaWAN/src/BSP/timer_if.c:383: multiple definition of `HAL_RTC_AlarmAEventCallback'; .pio/build/STM32WLE5/liba52/STM32duino RTC/rtc.c.o:/home/jpmeijers/Documents/PlatformIO/Projects/LoraE5test/.pio/libdeps/STM32WLE5/STM32duino RTC/src/rtc.c:933: first defined here
/home/jpmeijers/.platformio/packages/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: .pio/build/STM32WLE5/lib132/libSTM32duinoLoRaWAN.a(rtc.c.o): in function `RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler':
/home/jpmeijers/Documents/PlatformIO/Projects/LoraE5test/.pio/libdeps/STM32WLE5/STM32duinoLoRaWAN/src/BSP/rtc.c:148: multiple definition of `RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler'; .pio/build/STM32WLE5/liba52/STM32duino RTC/rtc.c.o:/home/jpmeijers/Documents/PlatformIO/Projects/LoraE5test/.pio/libdeps/STM32WLE5/STM32duino RTC/src/rtc.c:961: first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pio/build/STM32WLE5/firmware.elf] Error 1
The RTC of the stm32WL will be configured in MIX mode (RTC_ICSR register BIN = [10])
--> The calendar RTC_TR and RTC_DR are available
--> the RTC SSR subsecond resgister is available on 32 bits clocked by ck_apre
In RTC Mix mode, the RTC_TR and RTC_DR calendar registers contents can be read/written in binary or bcd format (example : minutes expressed on 8 bits from 0-59 or minutes expressed in one minutes-tens value plu one minutes-units value) The RTC_TR and RTC_DR calendar registers format (BCD or Binary) is not the RTC Mix (RTC_BINARY_MIX) or BCD ( RTC_BINARY_NONE) or Binary-only (RTC_BINARY_ONLY) mode.
Hi, I was trying to use your example of sending data via lorawan and the library "STM32LowPower.h" and I get an error that two functions have multiple definitions.
Is crashing with another library that has the low power that is "STM32RTC.h" it is because they have the same functions. How can I fix this crash?