i am trying to install ingress-nginx into the AKS cluster using the kubernetes helm repository (https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx) and it gets successfully deployed.
and i also got the external ip of ingress but whenever i am trying to hit the external ip over the internet it is giving me gateway timeout error. even i have also checked my NSG rules.
what i have tried :
i thought the problem is in the cluster bt when i installed the nginx from the NGINX official helm repository (https://helm.nginx.com/stable) i got the external ip of nginx.
and when hit that external ip i got the outpit (404 nginx ) which is fine.
but the NGINX official helm repository doesnt comes with the admission controllers.
i am trying to install ingress-nginx into the AKS cluster using the kubernetes helm repository (https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx) and it gets successfully deployed.
and i also got the external ip of ingress but whenever i am trying to hit the external ip over the internet it is giving me gateway timeout error. even i have also checked my NSG rules.
what i have tried :
i thought the problem is in the cluster bt when i installed the nginx from the NGINX official helm repository (https://helm.nginx.com/stable) i got the external ip of nginx.
and when hit that external ip i got the outpit (404 nginx ) which is fine.
but the NGINX official helm repository doesnt comes with the admission controllers.
can you please tell me how to resolve this i want to use kubernetes nginx helm repository(https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx) but it seems not to be working