stoneharry / WoW-Spell-Editor

A Spell Editor for WoW versions WOTLK 3.3.5, TBC 2.4.3, or Vanilla 1.12.1.
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Spell Families naming research #204

Open T1ti opened 1 year ago

T1ti commented 1 year ago

I was doing some research on naming all the Spell Families in readable human form for use in Spell editor (instead of like CM0_MAGE_ARCANE_MISSILES2 in emulators definitions), the goal was to have family names available in a binding file and if available they would override the default names like "0x00001".

Also some of the descriptions were often wrong and innaccurate so I went through each of them and made my own descriptions This was a lot of work so I gave up after 3 classes I'm gonna dump my work in this issue

Mage |   |   |   |   |   -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- family 1 | name | family 2 | name | family 3 | name 1 | Fireball | 33 | Ice Barrier | 65 | Winter's Chill aura effect 2 | Fire Blast | 34 | Clearcasting | 66 | Fingers of Frost proc effect 3 | Flamestrike | 35 | Cold Snap | 67 | ??? 4 | Fire Ward | 36 | Molten Armor Thorn effect | 68 | all spells ?? unused 5 | Scorch | 37 | Spellsteal | 69 | Permafrost 6 | Frostbolt | 38 | Presence of Mind | 70 | Deep Freeze damage effect 7 | Frost Nova | 39 | Blast wave | 71 |   8 | Blizzard | 40 | Ice Block | 72 |   9 | Frost Ward | 41 | Replenish Mana (Mana gem effect) | 73 |   10 | Cone of Cold | 42 | Frostbite | 74 |   11 | Arcane Intellect | 43 | Frost elemental Pet Passive | 75 |   12 | Arcane Missiles | 44 | Summon Water Elemental | 76 |   13 | Arcane Explosion | 45 | Frostfire Bolt | 77 |   14 | amplify/dampen Magic | 46 | Improved Scorch | 78 |   15 | Counterspell | 47 | Icy Veins | 79 |   16 | Mana Shield | 48 | Arcane Barrage | 80 |   17 | Blink | 49 | Living Bomb | 81 |   18 | Fire blast, blast wave, scorch | 50 | Living Bomb target spell | 82 |   19 | Molten Armor stats effects | 51 | Invisibility cast | 83 |   20 | (Chill effects) Blizzard, frost armor, chilling touch | 52 | Arcane Power | 84 |   21 | Chilled effect, cone of cold | 53 | Deep Freeze | 85 |   22 | Arcane Missile projectiles/proc | 54 | Mirror Image | 86 |   23 | Pyroblast | 55 | Invisibility aura effect | 87 |   24 | Dragon's Breath | 56 | Slow Fall | 88 |   25 | Polymorph | 57 | Remove Curse | 89 |   26 | Frost/Ice Armor | 58 | Blazing Speed | 90 |   27 | Evocation | 59 | Combustion | 91 |   28 | Ignite | 60 | Improved Blink | 92 |   29 | Mage Armor | 61 | Incanter's Absorption | 93 |   30 | Arcane Blast | 62 | Arcane Potency | 94 |   31 | (Conjurations) Conjure Food/Manna Gem/Water | 63 | Silenced - Improved Counterspell | 95 |   32 | Invisibility, Slow Fall, Remove Curse, Detect Magic, Teleports, Portals, Slow | 64 | Frostbite 2 | 96 | Gift of the Naaru Warrior |   |   |   -- | -- | -- | -- family 1 | name | family 2 | name 1 | Charge | 33 | Heroic Throw 2 | Hamstring | 34 | Spell Reflection 3 | Overpower | 35 | Whirlwind 4 | Pummel | 36 | Retaliation 5 | Recklessness | 37 | Deep Wounds 6 | Rend | 38 | Piercing Howl 7 | Heroic Strike | 39 | Devastate 8 | Thunder Clap | 40 | Commanding Shout 9 | Bloodrage | 41 | Victory Rush 10 | Disarm | 42 | Shield Slam 11 | Revenge | 43 | Bloodthirst 12 | Shield Bash | 44 | Berserker Stance Passive 13 | Shield Block | 45 | Defiance Expertise Passive 14 | Shield Wall | 46 | Bladestorm 15 | Sunder Armor | 47 | Shockwave 16 | Taunt | 48 | Intervene 17 | Battle Shout | 49 | Enraged Regeneration 18 | Demoralizing Shout | 50 | Victorious 19 | Intimidating Shout | 51 | Last Stand 20 | Challenging Shout | 52 | Sweeping Strikes 21 | Death Wish, Endless Rage | 53 | Shield bash's daze aura 22 | Slam | 54 | Shattering Throw 23 | Cleave | 55 | Battle Stance 24 | Stances | 56 | Slam! 25 | Charge Stun | 57 | Sudden Death 26 | Mortal Strike | 58 |   27 | Concussion Blow | 59 |   28 | Mocking Blow | 60 |   29 | Berserker Rage | 61 |   30 | Execute | 62 |   31 | Intercept | 63 |   32 | Retaliation aura | 64 |   Warlock |   |   |   |   |   -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- family 1 | name | family 2 | name | family 3 | name 1 | Shadow Bolt | 33 | Siphon Life | 65 | Inferno Effect 2 | Corruption | 34 | Curse of Doom | 66 | Shadowflame 3 | Immolate | 35 |   | 67 | Unending Breath 4 | Drain Life | 36 | Howl of Terror | 68 | Demonic Frenzy 5 | Drain Mana | 37 | Seed of Corruption | 69 | Demon Skin 6 | Rain of Fire | 38 | Demon Armor, Fel Armor | 70 | Demonic Circle 7 | Hellfire | 39 | Incinerate | 71 | Eye of Kilrogg 8 | Shadowburn | 40 | Soul Fire | 72 | Misc spells 9 | Searing Pain | 41 | Unstable Affliction | 73 | Fel Domination 10 | Spore explosion | 42 | Curse of the Elements | 74 | Pandemic 11 | Curse of Agony | 43 | Fear | 75 | Devour Magic (felhunter) 12 | Enslave Demon | 44 |   | 76 | Curse of Tongues 13 | Firebolt | 45 | Shadowfury | 77 | Demonic Empowerment 14 | Lash of Pain | 46 | Pet Passive spell crit chance | 78 | Metamorphosis 15 | Drain Soul | 47 | Pet Passive % dmg taken | 79 | Soul Link 16 | Curse of Weakness | 48 | Seed of Corruption death effect | 80 |   17 | Healthstone healing effect | 49 | Shadowflame | 81 |   18 | Spellstone Bonus | 50 | Chaos Bolt | 82 |   19 | Life Tap | 51 | Haunt | 83 |   20 | Death Coil | 52 |   | 84 |   21 | Create Stone (all types) | 53 | Demonic Pact | 85 |   22 | Firestone Bonus | 54 |   | 86 |   23 | Curse of Exhaustion | 55 | Shadow Bite | 87 |   24 | Fire Shield, Blood Pact | 56 | Conflagrate | 88 |   25 | Health Funnel | 57 | Empowered Imp | 89 |   26 | Voidwalker spells | 58 | Fel Intelligence | 90 |   27 | Demon pets damage passives | 59 | Use Soulstone | 91 |   28 | Demon pets stamina passive | 60 | Banish | 92 |   29 | Demon pets intellect passive | 61 | Seduction | 93 |   30 | Demon pets summon spells | 62 | Fel Armor | 94 |   31 | Succubus spells (no lash of pain) | 63 | Eye of Kilrogg Passive | 95 |   32 | Curse of Tongues, Dark pact, Shadow Embrace | 64 | Ritual of Souls | 96 |