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Storj Public Roadmap
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Ability to create access grants and S3 credentials programmatically #93

Open ferristocrat opened 8 months ago

ferristocrat commented 8 months ago


What is the problem/pain point? Customers are currently limited to creating Access grants and S3 credentials through the Storj web console or the Uplink CLI. This presents a challenge for automation and integration within customer applications, particularly when their development stack is not conducive to CLI integration, preventing the programmatic creation of these essential credentials.

Who is impacted?

What is the impact? The current limitation not only increases the time and effort required for manual credential management but also forces customers to implement their own solutions to automate credential creation, thereby hindering the seamless use of Storj services within their applications.

Why now? Adapting our services to support the programmatic creation of credentials is a crucial step towards offering a flexible storage solution. Implementing this feature now will enhance user experience and could lead to increased adoption and higher customer satisfaction.


User Story As a developer, I want to create Access grants and S3 credentials programmatically within my application, so I can automate these processes and integrate Storj’s services more seamlessly.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Provide an API or SDK that enables the creation of Access grants and S3 credentials programmatically, suitable for various development stacks.
  2. Ensure the new API/SDK is secure, efficient, and maintains compatibility with Storj's existing functionalities.
  3. Offer comprehensive documentation and examples for developers.

Success Metrics

  1. The adoption rate of the new API/SDK feature by developers across different stacks.
  2. Feedback from developers, looking for positive responses and a reduction in support queries related to credential creation.
  3. Reports from users indicating an increase in efficiency regarding automation and integration processes with Storj services.