storm-software / reaper

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Dependency Dashboard #2

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 months ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Repository problems

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Detected dependencies

Cargo.toml - `url 2.5.2` - `regex 1.10.4` - `dashmap 6.0.1` - `ruint 1.9.0` - `revm 8.0.0` - `revm-primitives 3.1` - `alloy-sol-types 0.7.0` - `alloy-sol-macro 0.7.0` - `alloy-rlp 0.3.4` - `alloy-rlp-derive 0.3.4` - `alloy-primitives 0.7.0` - `alloy-json-abi 0.7.0` - `alloy-dyn-abi 0.7.0 ` - `tokio 1.13.0` - `futures 0.3.28` - `async-trait 0.1.73` - `tracing 0.1.37` - `tracing-subscriber 0.3.17` - `colored 2.0` - `prometheus 0.13.4` - `metrics-exporter-prometheus =0.12.1` - `metrics-util 0.15.0` - `metrics-process =1.0.14` - `env_logger 0.10.0` - `thiserror 1.0.44` - `eyre 0.6.8` - `anyhow 1.0.44` - `hyper 0.14.25` - `hyper-tls 0.5.0` - `reqwest 0.12.2` - `serde 1.0.209` - `serde_derive 1.0.209` - `serde_json 1.0.127` - `serde_with 3.4.0` - `serde_repr 0.1.16` - `clap 4.4.6` - `malachite 0.4.0` - `malachite-q 0.4.0` - `phf 0.11.2` - `phf_codegen 0.11.2` - `metrics 0.21.1` - `backon 0.4.4` - `c-kzg 0.4.0` - `hex-literal 0.4.1` - `rayon 1.7.0` - `dotenvy 0.15.7` - `semver 1.0` - `lazy_static 1.4.0` - `once_cell 1.18.0` - `itertools 0.11.0` - `parking_lot 0.12.1` - `toml 0.8.2` - `auto_impl 1.1.0` - `strum 0.25.0` - `serial_test 2.0.0` - `derive_more 0.99.17` - `num_cpus 1.16.0` - `bytes 1.5` - `bitflags 2.5.0` - `chrono 0.4.19` - `arrow 51.0.0` - `polars 0.38.3` - `parquet 51.0.0` - `indicatif 0.17.8` - `fs2 0.4.3` - `fs_extra 1.3.0` - `filesize 0.2.0` - `tar 0.4.41` - `flate2 1.0.30` - `aws-config 1.5.5` - `ethers 2.0.14`
apps/eth-engine/Cargo.toml - `toml 0.8.2` - `directories 5.0.1` - `async-scoped 0.7.1` - `human_bytes 0.4.1` - `boyer-moore-magiclen 0.2.16` - `comfy-table 7.0` - `cfg-if 1.0.0` - `sentry 0.34.0` - `prometheus 0.13.4` - `fdlimit 0.3.0` - `dhat 0.3.3` - `prettytable-rs 0.10` - `indoc 2` - `crossterm 0.27.0` - `rand 0.8.5` - `ansi_term 0.12.1` - `ansi-parser 0.9.0` - `ahash 0.8.11` - `tikv-jemallocator 0.5.0` - `const_format 0.2.32` - `vergen 8.0.0`
apps/eth-order-fill-service/Cargo.toml - `bigdecimal 0.4.5`
apps/eth-order-telegram-bot/Cargo.toml - `lambda_http 0.13` - `lambda_runtime 0.13` - `teloxide 0.13` - `mime 0.3.17` - `aws-sdk-sns 1.39.0`
crates/core/Cargo.toml - `num 0.4.1` - `time 0.3.36` - `polars 0.42.0` - `uuid 1.10.0` - `rust_decimal 1.34.3` - `statrs 0.17.1` - `plotters 0.3.5` - `plotly 0.9.0` - `derive_builder 0.20.0` - `rand 0.8.5` - `rand_distr 0.4.3` - `yahoo_finance_api 2.1.0`
crates/eth-engine-classifier/Cargo.toml - `paste 1.0.14` - `criterion 0.5` - `criterion 0.5`
crates/eth-engine-core/Cargo.toml - `tracing 0.1.37` - `criterion 0.5`
crates/eth-engine-database/Cargo.toml - `moka 0.12.7` - `parity-scale-codec 3.2.1` - `proptest 1.4` - `proptest-derive 0.4` - `arbitrary 1.3` - `rand 0.8.5` - `modular-bitfield 0.11.2` - `bytes 1.5` - `zstd 0.13` - `chrono 0.4.35` - `ahash 0.8.11` - `tokio-scoped 0.2.0` - `bincode 2.0.0-rc.3` - `derive_more 0.99.17` - `paste 1.0.14` - `petgraph 0.6.4` - `itertools 0.12.0` - `strum 0.25` - `strum_macros 0.25` - `async-trait 0.1.73` - `toml 0.8.9` - `page_size 0.6.0` - `schnellru 0.2.2` - `criterion 0.5` - `human_bytes 0.4.3` - `test-fuzz 4` - `criterion 0.5.1` - `toml 0.8.9`
crates/eth-engine-inspect/Cargo.toml - `async-scoped 0.7.1` - `criterion 0.5` - `criterion 0.5` - `rand 0.8.5` - `statrs 0.16`
crates/eth-engine-libmdbx/Cargo.toml - `byteorder 1` - `indexmap 2` - `libc 0.2` - `tempfile 3.8` - `criterion 0.5` - `pprof 0.13` - `libffi 3.2.0`
crates/eth-engine-macros/Cargo.toml - `syn 2.0.37` - `quote 1.0.33` - `proc-macro2 1.0.78`
crates/eth-engine-metrics/Cargo.toml - `tikv-jemalloc-ctl 0.5.0` - `procfs 0.16.0`
crates/eth-engine-pricing/Cargo.toml - `itertools 0.12.0` - `erased-serde 0.3.31` - `pathfinding 4.8.1` - `rustc-hash 1.1.0` - `indexmap 2.2.2` - `petgraph 0.6.4` - `num-bigfloat 1.7.0` - `parity-scale-codec 3.2.1` - `proptest 1.4` - `proptest-derive 0.4` - `arbitrary 1.3` - `rand 0.8.5` - `modular-bitfield 0.11.2` - `bytes 1.5` - `criterion 0.5` - `rand 0.8.5`
crates/eth-engine-pricing/pricing-test-utils/Cargo.toml - `itertools 0.12.0` - `erased-serde 0.3.31` - `pathfinding 4.8.1` - `rustc-hash 1.1.0` - `petgraph 0.6.4` - `num-bigfloat 1.7.0` - `parity-scale-codec 3.2.1` - `proptest 1.4` - `proptest-derive 0.4` - `arbitrary 1.3` - `modular-bitfield 0.11.2` - `bytes 1.5` - `criterion 0.5` - `rand 0.8.5`
crates/eth-engine-reth-tracing/Cargo.toml - `bitflags 2.4` - `tokio 1.28.2`
crates/eth-engine-types/Cargo.toml - `erased-serde 0.3.31` - `dyn-clone 1.0.16` - `indoc 2` - `zstd 0.13` - `paste 1.0.14` - `pin-project 1.1.4` - `prettytable-rs 0.10` - `statrs 0.16` - `humansize 2.1.3` - `ahash 0.8.11` - `once_cell 1.19.0`
crates/eth-flashbots/Cargo.toml - `ethers 2.0.14` - `ethers-flashbots 0.15.0`
crates/eth/Cargo.toml - `ethers 2.0.14` - `rand 0.8.5` - `hex 0.4.3`
crates/telemetry/Cargo.toml - `sentry 0.34.0` - `tracing-bunyan-formatter 0.3.4` - `tracing-log 0.2.0` - `yansi 1.0.1` - `ansi_term 0.12.1`
.github/actions/setup/action.yml - `crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg v5` - `pnpm/action-setup v4.0.0` - `jaxxstorm/action-install-gh-release v1.9.0` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/cache v4`
.github/workflows/ci.yml - `slackapi/slack-github-action v1.26.0` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `nrwl/nx-set-shas v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `docker/login-action v3` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v3` - `nrwl/nx-set-shas v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `nrwl/nx-set-shas v4` - `slackapi/slack-github-action v1.26.0` - `slackapi/slack-github-action v1.26.0` - `slackapi/slack-github-action v1.26.0`
.github/workflows/cleanowners.yml - `github/cleanowners v1`
.github/workflows/contributors.yml - `github/contributors v1` - `peter-evans/create-issue-from-file v5`
.github/workflows/dependabot-update.yml - `dependabot/fetch-metadata v2`
.github/workflows/labels.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `micnncim/action-label-syncer v1.3.0`
.github/workflows/lock.yml - `dessant/lock-threads v5`
.github/workflows/schedule-stale.yml - `actions/stale v9.0.0` - `actions/stale v9.0.0` - `actions/stale v9.0.0` - `actions/stale v9.0.0` - `actions/stale v9.0.0` - `actions/stale v9.0.0` - `actions/stale v9.0.0` - `actions/stale v9.0.0` - `actions/stale v9.0.0` - `actions/stale v9.0.0`
.github/workflows/sync-labels.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `micnncim/action-label-syncer v1.3.0`
.config/mise/config.toml - `node 22.8.0` - `pnpm 9.10.0` - `zig 0.13.0` - `terragrunt 0.63.6` - `opentofu 1.8.0` - `kubectl 1.30.2` - `kustomize 5.4.3` - `helm 3.15.4`
package.json - `@ls-lint/ls-lint 2.2.3` - `@ltd/j-toml 1.38.0` - `@monodon/rust 1.4.0` - `@nx-tools/container-metadata ^6.0.2` - `@nx-tools/nx-container ^6.0.2` - `@nx/devkit 19.7.3` - `@nx/esbuild 19.7.3` - `@nx/eslint 19.7.3` - `@nx/eslint-plugin 19.7.3` - `@nx/jest 19.7.3` - `@nx/js 19.7.3` - `@nx/node 19.7.3` - `@nx/plugin 19.7.3` - `@nx/workspace 19.7.3` - `@swc-node/register ^1.10.9` - `@swc/core ^1.7.26` - `@taplo/cli 0.7.0` - `@types/jest 29.5.12` - `@types/node ^20.14.10` - `conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits 8.0.0` - `copyfiles 2.4.1` - `esbuild 0.21.5` - `esbuild-register 3.5.0` - `eslint 9.5.0` - `eslint-config-prettier ^9.1.0` - `jest 29.7.0` - `jest-environment-jsdom 29.7.0` - `jest-environment-node 29.7.0` - `knip 5.25.2` - `nx 19.7.3` - `nx-cloud 19.1.0` - `prettier 3.3.2` - `rimraf 5.0.7` - `sherif 0.10.0` - `ts-jest 29.1.5` - `ts-loader 9.5.1` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `tslib ^2.6.3` - `verdaccio 5.31.1` - `node >=22.8.0` - `pnpm >=9.10.0` - `pnpm 9.10.0` - `axios >=1.7.4`
.github/.nvmrc - `node 22.8.0`

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Hello, I'm šŸ¤– Stormie-Bot! Thank you for your interest in this project! The Storm team will review this issue and reach out to you ASAP.