Fixing ISS-143 extended assembly doesn't manage well input with r.
Removing assign1.c test doesn't work with gcc.
Fixing ISS-144 compiling util-linux failed with expression returning void is not supported.
Fixing ISS-145 compiling util-linux failed with invalid initalizer2.
Fixing ISS-147 compiling util-linux failed with undefined variable __BYTE_ORDER__.
Fixing ISS-148 compiling VLC failed with storage class specifier not allowed caused by static_assert function.
Fixing also some issues with extended assembly not working in some cases.
Fixing issue with extended assembly in string_replace that truncates the null terminated character and causing during nginx compile failure due to incorrect character.
Generating "nop" instruction each time we found the memory barrier : asm volatile ("" ::: "memory").
Compiling successfully some projects like curl, nginx, zlib, util-linux, openssl, openssh-portable. But some tests failed for util-linux, openssl and curl that means that probably we have some bugs somewhere.