storyblok / storyblok-php-client

Storyblok - PHP Client
MIT License
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Feature/ssl param mapi #41

Closed christianzoppi closed 2 years ago

christianzoppi commented 2 years ago

This PR adds the SSL parameter to the constructor of the MAPI and it fixes an error caused by the inconsistency of the args of the responseHandler function of the MAPI with the one declared in the parent class. This solves #40 and #39.

How to test it

Since we don't have any test in place for the MAPI, you can manually test this in a standalone PHP script. You can create a new space for testing and use one of the examples from the MAPI:

$client = new \Storyblok\ManagementClient('YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN');
$spaceId = 'SPACE_ID'; // The space id
$storyId = 'STORY_ID'; // The id of the Home story created by default in the test space
$payload = [
  "story" =>  [
    "name" =>  "Story Name",
    "slug" =>  "story-name",
    "id" =>  $storyId ,
    "content" =>  [
      "component" =>  "page",
      "body" =>  []
  "force_update" =>  1,
  "publish" =>  1

echo $client->put("spaces/{$spaceId}/stories/{$storyId}", $payload)->getCode();

If the code is 200 and the story has now the new name and slug assigned via API, it's ok.

christianzoppi commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @thiagosaife! 🙏🏻