storybook-eol / react-cdk

under development - React Component Development Kit with Storybook
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`npm run storybook` fails #16

Closed bartlomn closed 7 years ago

bartlomn commented 8 years ago

Running on osX / node v5.8.0. Fresh from yo generation. npm install runs OK, other scripts seem to be ok ok as well - including npm run prepublish However running npm run storybook errors out with the following:

ERROR in ./src/stories/index.js
Module build failed: SyntaxError: /Users/Bart/Dev/Projects/Personal/react-comp-hello/src/stories/index.js: Unexpected token (7:4)
   5 | storiesOf('Button', module)
   6 |   .add('default view', () => (
>  7 |     <Button onClick={ action('button clicked') }>Hello</Button>
     |     ^
dmitrika commented 8 years ago

faced same problem with first run, lol

usulpro commented 7 years ago

@bartlomn @dmitrika do you still facing this error?

May I close it and redirect you to since it looks like more general node.js issue?

bartlomn commented 7 years ago

Please close, thanks.