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Framework support - Stencil.js #4600

Closed maraisr closed 1 year ago

maraisr commented 5 years ago

Describe the solution you'd like I'd like to see Stencil.js support, as I see Storybook to be very component focused, and Stencil being a very component focus framework - these tools would compliment each other very well.

Are you able to assist bring the feature to reality? yes, I can...

igor-dv commented 5 years ago

Duplicate to #1870 and #3423. Let's continue a discussion there

Edd-Strickland commented 5 years ago

New Starter build for Current stencil and SB 5 to be created

ndelangen commented 5 years ago

@Edd-Strickland want to work on a stencl support version 🎉

Edd-Strickland commented 5 years ago

I've upgraded the polymer starter with stencil to the latest version of SB need some help in removing polymer and adding in stencil complier now

vogloblinsky commented 5 years ago


@Edd-Strickland just for information, i have implemented Stencil inside Storybook like you did in your starter, in this project :

I have used the HTML starter of Storybook.

For now with Storybook & Stencil, i just had to :

The main problem i think is the usage of Webpack by Storybook to handle JavaScript files imported inside a story. The ideal workflow is to only imported the JS file of the Web Component.

Edd-Strickland commented 5 years ago

Yeah this is what have done previously but with the polymer version however what this means is that by importing as plain static W/C implementations is you need to update each time into your story's which feels limiting.

nisheed2440 commented 5 years ago

Hi All, I have created a wrapper that can be installed on a stencil component type project. Hope it helps.

Edd-Strickland commented 5 years ago

looks really good I'll test on Monday. Good work :)

o-t-w commented 5 years ago

Will this be made into an official part of Storybook? I have a desperate need for this!

ndelangen commented 5 years ago

@o-t-w We're trying, would you be able to help us?

o-t-w commented 5 years ago

@ndelangen I would be happy to test things and provide feedback/bug reports.

o-t-w commented 5 years ago

Would this work with LitElement (and web components in general) or just Stencil?

Nightbr commented 5 years ago

@nisheed2440 your wrapper seems promising, I will test this soon! But it could be great to have a "native" integration documented by Storybook 👌

Edd-Strickland commented 5 years ago

@nisheed2440 I have been very busy(sorry everyone) but have had a very small window today to test a very vanilla version of this locally and it's really good. works really well.

going to spend some time on this next week trying to incorporate it into an existing project to see how this might work for existing stencil users / projects.

Nightbr commented 5 years ago

I have tested it this morning and it works pretty well too! GJ it's really easy to setup. I have installed and tested some addons:

import '@storybook/addon-backgrounds/register';
import '@storybook/addon-knobs/register';
import '@storybook/addon-actions/register';
import '@storybook/addon-notes/register';

Everything works fine, just found one issue with addon-knobs But there is a workaround and this should be fixed pretty soon I think.

popcorn245 commented 5 years ago

I spent the last 2 weeks playing with StencilJS and Storybook and did a livestream where I cover my solution. I feel there is a much better way, but I was able to get HMR, and most plugins to work with little issue. Would love any feedback you guys have on how to improve or import the loaders from the distribution stencil bundle.

And here is the repo! ^_^

ghaiat commented 5 years ago

@nisheed2440 Hello, i m using an approach very similar to yours and everything is working expect chromatic. were you able to make chromatic work with stencil/storybook? when i run, it does discover all my stories but all the screenshots are empty. it s probably missing the stencil when trying to render the component screenshot on chromatic server

dougestey commented 5 years ago

@nisheed2440 Thank you so much for this really great effort. Hopefully this gives the team here a head start in the right direction. Stencil and Storybooks are ideal for each other.

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone! Seems like there hasn't been much going on in this issue lately. If there are still questions, comments, or bugs, please feel free to continue the discussion. Unfortunately, we don't have time to get to every issue. We are always open to contributions so please send us a pull request if you would like to help. Inactive issues will be closed after 30 days. Thanks!

shilman commented 5 years ago

Anybody want to pick this up?

ghost commented 5 years ago

My team is using StencilJS + Storybook for our common component library and I'd love to contribute. Maybe a few of us can get this thing back on track...

shilman commented 5 years ago

Seems like there's a lot of interest, e.g.

One easy win would be publishing a @storybook/preset-stencil package which packages @popcorn245 's config into a storybook preset. I still need to finish off the docs for that, but I'm using it for the upcoming Storybook Docs release and it's straightforward & how most SB config will work in the future.

I'd be happy to guide anybody who wants to pick that up.

popcorn245 commented 5 years ago

Hey @shilman, stoked so many people are psyched to pickup on this and implement Stencil with Storybook. That thread has some good things that I have found, but there are many more little bugs like having to return a string of the element in order to use knobs.

A much better implementation would piggy-back off of the Stencil compiler and allow for use of JSX like with React components, but that is MHO.

Also, Stencil One is about to drop with some huge changes so it may be good to put peepers on this Changelog to make sure whoever is working on this is aware of what is coming down the pipeline.

drwpow commented 5 years ago

This thread was immensely helpful to me, especially @popcorn245’s config. Personally I was using @stencil/state-tunnel, which broke that config. Fortunately I was able to get it to work with some minor ~hacks~ tweaks by running:

npm i -D webpack@4.28

And adding this to .storybook/webpack.config.js:

const { existsSync, readdirSync } = require('fs');
const { resolve } = require('path');
const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = ({ config }) => {
  // 1. Transpile @stencil modules with Babel
  const babelLoader = config.module.rules.find(
    ({ use }) => use && use[0].loader === 'babel-loader'
  babelLoader.exclude = [/node_modules\/(?!\@stencil).*/];
  if (babelLoader.use[0].options) {
    babelLoader.use[0].options.plugins = ['@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import'];

  // 2. Load JS & CSS from our components
  config.entry.push(resolve(__dirname, '..', 'dist', 'MYCOMPONENTNAME.js'));
  config.entry.push(resolve(__dirname, '..', 'dist', 'MYCOMPONENTNAME.css'));

  const components = resolve(__dirname, '..', 'dist', 'collection', 'components');
  readdirSync(components).map(file => {
    jsFilePath = resolve(components, file, `${file}.js`);
    try {
      if (existsSync(jsFilePath)) config.entry.push(jsFilePath);
    } catch (err) {

    cssFilePath = resolve(components, file, `${file}.css`);
    try {
      if (existsSync(cssFilePath)) config.entry.push(cssFilePath);
    } catch (err) {

  // 3. Fix dynamic imports for Storybook
  // IMPORTANT: webpack must be at 4.28 due to a bug. See here:
    new CopyPlugin([
        from: resolve(__dirname, '..', 'dist'),
        to: resolve(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules', '@storybook', 'core', 'dist', 'public'),

  return config;
fvaldes33 commented 5 years ago

Starting to experiment with this also and (as mentioned somewhere else) using concurrently seems to work just fine for me (for now). I created a quick starter project that includes everything you need to get up and running with both stencil and storybook. Already using the latest stencil release.

Check it out here: stencil-storybook-starter

drwpow commented 5 years ago

@fvaldes33 Nice! Starred it. I actually just updated to Stencil One beta and my config looks similar—I basically could use the stock webpack setup entirely.

The only difference for me was using stencil build --watch (prod, not dev) because the build times are so fast and it’s easier to consume the prod version in Stencil (especially with global styles and other imports).

perkrlsn commented 5 years ago

@fvaldes33 how are you able to reference the build/components.js in your preview-head.html like that? I have to supply the full path e.g. http://localhost:3333/build/components.js. But I would like to not have to do that.

(I'm not using your starter, but i'm using the stencil component starter with a fresh storybook/html install)

EDIT: realized i was starting storybook on port 6006 instead of in the www folder. problem solved!

jagreehal commented 5 years ago

Looks like lots of us have similar solutions out there (including me, but I'd really like hot/live updates when I edit a Stencil component. Currently I have to manually refresh the browser to reload Storybook.

chazzmoney commented 5 years ago

Is there a bullet list of requirements to complete this? I'd be happy to pitch in if I knew what needed to be built.

jeanbenitez commented 5 years ago

What is the current state? Can we contribute? I would love to see this!

shilman commented 5 years ago

I suggested contributing a preset above.

If somebody wanted to put together a preset based on the patterns above, I'd be happ to help on the Storybook side. I'm not familiar with the Stencil side.

DesignByOnyx commented 5 years ago

I just posted my project out there for anybody who wants it. Here are the features:

Let me know what you think:

shilman commented 5 years ago

@DesignByOnyx This looks great. Tweet about this and mention @storybookjs and I'll RT from the storybook account. And if you want to write a post about it, I'd be happy to work with you to get it publicized. I think there's a pretty large demand here.

jeanbenitez commented 5 years ago

Amazing job @DesignByOnyx ! It seems that this fits perfectly to be a preset :tada:

DesignByOnyx commented 5 years ago

OK, I've tweeted (I don't twitter much). Furthermore I don't have a blog :/, but I'm glad to put something together if someone wants to publish it.

While the project works, I threw it together in a hurry and did not really make it easy to customize. Some of the code in there is really brittle as I am having to load and merge multiple files in order to render each individual component. I'm hoping for some feedback before I spend any time to make this more consumable.

I'm curious to see what a preset would look like. The biggest thing that would be nice is a JSX preset which is not react. This would enable a little bit easier rendering and template generation on top of the storybook-html variety, and it doesn't have much to do with stencil. Several addons would also need to be updated to make this usable, and I'm not sure I'm the best to coordinate that effort. Either way, let me know what I can do to help.

shilman commented 5 years ago

@DesignByOnyx Any chance you can hop on our Discord?

I'd love to chat more about getting this work out there on the Storybook blog as well as promoting in the stencil community.

alexlafroscia commented 5 years ago

I've been playing with @storybook/html for Stencil and the experience pretty much "just works". You essentially do the following:

  1. Use concurrently to start the Storybook server and stencil build --watch "in parallel"
  2. Start storybook with the -s dist flag, so that your Stencil dist is served as static files.
  3. Configure .storybook/preview-head.html to include a script tag like:

    <script type="module" src="/$PACKAGE_NAME/$PACKAGE_NAME.esm.js"></script>
    <script nomodule="" src="/$PACKAGE_NAME/$PACKAGE_NAME.js"></script>

And... that's it! The out-of-the-box html support works for all your web component needs.

What I'd like to see is something like @storybook/stencil that has the same experience (and code) as the html package on the story authoring side, but

  1. Abstracts away running the Stencil build process as part of Storybook, so that configuring concurrently is not required
  2. Adds those script tags for you
  3. Hooks up auto-refresh when your Stencil components re-build

Is there interest in something like that? I'm in the process of selling my company on Stencil and Storybook, and assuming that gains traction, I'll have "work time" to make that story (excuse the pun) really nice around Storybook + Stencil playing together.

The work that @DesignByOnyx has done is really great, but you kind of have to start your Stencil components with that kit and ignore the "normal" documentation for Stencil. If Storybook can provide a package that can be layered on top of the "normal" Stencil starter kit, you can easily add a Storybook config to an existing set of Stencil components.

shilman commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the great summary @alexlafroscia. I think your proposal makes a lot of sense. Does HMR not kick in automatically when Stencil rebuilds? If so, any idea why not?

@igor-dv Is it possible to add to preview-head.html in a preset?

@Hypnosphi Maybe this is an interesting example for your multi-framework efforts. In this case no decorator is needed (apparently) but an entire compiler is needed.

Hypnosphi commented 5 years ago

@alexlafroscia how does an example of story look like in your case?

darondel commented 5 years ago

In the company where I work, we've been playing with Storybook HTML and StencilJS packages for a while. I would be happy to contribute!

@alexlafroscia Very great ideas, indeed it would be nice to have a complete support for this compiler. Here are some other ideas:

This article covers the on-going roadmap in StencilJS: Fall 2019 Stencil Roadmap. Notably:

Public Compiler APIs

Another area we’re also focusing on is ensuring the compiler can work within a browser and used by other tools. We’ve already been working with a few awesome teams such as Stackblitz, CodeSandbox, and At the lowest levels, the compiler already works without running atop a NodeJS environment, so technically this isn’t a major refactor, but more-so just exposing the correct APIs.

We’re also seeing many areas for improvement to ensure the compiler is easy to consume by other NodeJS tools, including Rollup, Parcel, WebPack, and Bazel. If you’re a maintainer of any tooling, whether an online tool or a NodeJS environment, and you’re looking to implement the Stencil compiler, please feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to help!

May be useful!

alexlafroscia commented 5 years ago

Does HMR not kick in automatically when Stencil rebuilds? If so, any idea why not?

@shilman It doesn't kick in because there's no "real" connection, in the setup that I have, between Storybook and Stencil. It's just a simple <script> tag pointing to the built assets.

how does an example of story look like in your case?

@Hypnosphi They look something like this (a story for the default my-component that Stencil generates in the initial package they create when you npm init stencil

import { document, console } from 'global';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/html';

storiesOf('My Component', module)
  .add('without a middle name', () => `
  .add('with a middle name', () => `

Use StencilJS JSX capabilities (based on Preact at the moment) to write stories in a more maintainable way. Using plain old JS or even template literals might be cumbersome...

@darondel I totally agree with the concerns around the developer experience of not having JSX in the Story authoring files. I've used that approach in the past, before @storybook/html was available, and used the React experience which was OK.

Part of wanting to keep things as close to the "default" html experience is so that the stories act as documentation on how to actually use them from the HTML perspective -- otherwise they are tied to something like Preact, which at least in my organization, is not being used anywhere else (we are primarily an Ember.js shop).

You mentioned that template tags wouldn't be a great experience, but I think that something like htm could be a nice option. It also keeps the build process nice and simple, because there is no required build step, but might make it easier to interact with something like Knobs.

I was also thinking that trying to integrate with something like the upcoming DocsPage might be interesting! I'll bet that some of the work that's already been done by @DesignByOnyx could be useful here, so that there's a pathway to reading a Stencil component's "metadata" to generate the documentation information automatically. Probably not a "v1" concern, but something that would be really cool to see for a "v1.1"! I really like your idea of making something like that auto-knobs addon too, that would be really handy!

alexlafroscia commented 5 years ago

With DocsPages released today with Storybook 5.2, I did some research into whether it would be possible to get the information about props and such out of Stencil and rendered into Storybook. I think it should be possible, but definitely highlights how it would be useful to have an addon or preset tailored to using Storybook with Stencil to house a bunch of the "glue" needed for that.

I'm going to mess around with things a bit more this week and see if I can put something together.

shilman commented 5 years ago

@alexlafroscia would love to standardize how different frameworks communicate this data. Have seen something interesting from Jetbrains (web_types? Cc @elevatebart ) and also @atanasster is also doing work in this area for caching prop types in JSON files for performance. I think we should unify all of this in 6.0

alexlafroscia commented 5 years ago

I'm not familiar with the Jetbrains work -- I'll have to check that out! If you have any specific information that would be helpful to review, I'd love if you could send it my way!

In the case of Stencil, what I think the "best bet" will be is to have the Stencil build process output the JSON docs into either a location that's well-known by a Stencil Storybook addon or is configurable. That object contains all of the information on props expected, events emitted, and even the contents of the readme file for each component (without the auto-generated props documentation). I think we could build a really compelling story for populating the Storybook DocsPage with the information from that JSON file.

An example of the output from that file

```json { "timestamp": "2019-09-18T14:30:38", "compiler": { "name": "@stencil/core", "version": "1.3.2", "typescriptVersion": "3.5.3" }, "components": [ { "tag": "fluid-banner", "encapsulation": "shadow", "readme": "# fluid-banner\n\nThis is the contents of the README!\n", "docs": "This is the contents of the README!", "docsTags": [], "usage": {}, "props": [], "methods": [], "events": [], "styles": [], "slots": [] }, { "tag": "fluid-button", "encapsulation": "shadow", "readme": "# fluid-button\n\n\n", "docs": "", "docsTags": [], "usage": {}, "props": [ { "name": "destructive", "type": "boolean", "mutable": false, "attr": "destructive", "reflectToAttr": false, "docs": "Whether to display in the `destructive` style", "docsTags": [], "default": "false", "optional": false, "required": false }, { "name": "disabled", "type": "boolean", "mutable": false, "attr": "disabled", "reflectToAttr": false, "docs": "Whether the button should be treated as `disabled`", "docsTags": [], "default": "false", "optional": false, "required": false }, { "name": "plain", "type": "boolean", "mutable": false, "attr": "plain", "reflectToAttr": false, "docs": "Whether to display in the `plain` style", "docsTags": [], "default": "false", "optional": false, "required": false }, { "name": "primary", "type": "boolean", "mutable": false, "attr": "primary", "reflectToAttr": false, "docs": "Whether to display in the `primary` style", "docsTags": [], "default": "false", "optional": false, "required": false }, { "name": "size", "type": "\"large\" | \"medium\" | \"small\"", "mutable": false, "attr": "size", "reflectToAttr": true, "docs": "The size to display the button", "docsTags": [], "default": "\"medium\"", "optional": false, "required": false } ], "methods": [], "events": [], "styles": [], "slots": [] } ] } ```

alexlafroscia commented 5 years ago

It's kind of a hack (I have it writing the JSON output into dist/output.json and then use fetch to grab the file) but I was able to get the DocsPage rendering for a Storybook component by just overriding the slot props that the DocsPage component can take.

Screen Shot 2019-09-18 at 11 35 40 AM

The Props table isn't perfect, but it's pretty good; the Stencil output provides all the props that the table expects, and then some. Whatever is in the for the component will be rendered at the top of the file.

If you want to play with it yourself, this is the replacement `page` component I wrote.

```js import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { DocsPage, DocsContext } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks"; export const StorybookDocsPage = () => { const docsContext = useContext(DocsContext); const [payload, setPayload] = useState(null); useEffect(function() { fetch("./output.json") .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => setPayload(res)); }); if (!payload) { return null; } const component = payload.components.find(component => docsContext.selectedKind.includes(component.tag) ); // Empty because we will use the whole component README const titleSlot = () => ""; const subtitleSlot = () => ""; const descriptionSlot = () => component.readme; const propsSlot = () => ({ rows: => ({ name:, type: prop.type, description:, required: prop.required, defaultValue: prop.default })) }); return React.createElement( DocsPage, { titleSlot, subtitleSlot, descriptionSlot, propsSlot }, null ); }; ```

Update: Going a step further, I defined a whole custom DocsPage (rather than just overriding the slots) to get a second table with documentation of any custom styles.

Screen Shot 2019-09-18 at 12 27 33 PM
Code for custom DocsPage

```js import { createElement as e, useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { DocsPage, PropsTable } from "@storybook/components"; import { H2, H3 } from "@storybook/components/html"; import { Anchor, Description, DocsContext, Preview, Story } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks"; function useStencilComponent() { const docsContext = useContext(DocsContext); const [payload, setPayload] = useState(null); useEffect(function() { fetch("./output.json") .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => setPayload(res)); }); if (!payload) { return undefined; } return payload.components.find(component => docsContext.selectedKind.includes(component.tag) ); } const DocsStory = ({ id, name, expanded = true, withToolbar = false, parameters }) => e( Anchor, { storyId: id }, expanded && e(H3, null, (parameters && parameters.displayName) || name), expanded && parameters && && && e(Description, { markdown: }, null), e(Preview, { withToolbar }, e(Story, { id, height: "auto" }, null)) ); export const CustomDocsPage = () => { const docsContext = useContext(DocsContext); const component = useStencilComponent(); if (!component) { return null; } const { selectedKind, storyStore } = docsContext; const stories = storyStore.getStoriesForKind(selectedKind); const [primary, ...otherStories] = stories; const propDocs = component.props.length ? [ e(H2, null, "Props"), e( PropsTable, { rows: => ({ name:, type: prop.type, description:, required: prop.required, defaultValue: JSON.parse(prop.default) })) }, null ) ] : []; const styleDocs = component.styles.length ? [ e(H2, null, "Styles"), e( PropsTable, { rows: => ({ name:, description: })) }, null ) ] : []; const additionalStories = otherStories.length ? [ e(H2, null, "Stories"), => e( DocsStory, { key:, ...story, expanded: true, withToolbar: false }, null ) ) ] : []; return e( DocsPage, null, e(Description, { markdown: component.readme }, null), e( DocsStory, { key:, ...primary, expanded: false, withToolbar: true }, null ), ...propDocs, ...styleDocs, ...additionalStories ); }; ```

The custom page also fixes the fact that each story defaults to 500px in height, which is waaay too tall 😅

shilman commented 5 years ago

@alexlafroscia This is amazing, tremendous work!

FYI, we're going to generalize the prop table stuff in 5.3. Specifically, frameworks like Vue have the concept of slots & events, so those should be split out into their own tables. Maybe your styles work could use the same mechanism.

The Jetbrains project I was referring to is this one (cc @piotrtomiak):

I haven't looked at it in detail, and don't know that it's right for us. However, if it does meet our use cases and doesn't add too much extra cruft, I'd rather use an existing standard rather than invent our own.

piotrtomiak commented 5 years ago

@shilman Thanks for looking at our (JetBrains) effort on bringing some standard for metadata information exchange to web component libraries! Our initial drive was to simply provide good code completion for Vue components in HTML files, but we found out that there is much more to achieve with such a standard, so we designed it having a generic information exchange format in mind (IDEs, tooling, documenation). So far, our focus was on Vue framework, however we've always kept in mind support for Web Components or other frameworks. The web-types standard is pretty fresh, but we've already heard some positive feedback from Vue community and users. I am actively promoting the specification in Vue community, but it's so great to get some interest from other community!

I think there might be some things missing in the web-types JSON schema, which would be specific to your framework and those can be added to the spec. Vue specific items are for instance prefixed with vue. There is also missing whole section for documenting CSS support, which we could work on to include. So, if you feel it's worth giving web-types a chance feel free to file issues or create PRs for missing features.

The side-effect of documenting your components in web-types format will be a good code completion when developers would include your library in their project. We are planning to implement such a generic support based on common web-types features for all frameworks in a very near future. I am pretty sure that with a larger community acceptance of the format other IDEs will follow with support for the format, which would benefit everyone :)

jagreehal commented 4 years ago

@alexlafroscia fantastic work! The Stencil and Storybook integration (along with is looking good

alexlafroscia commented 4 years ago

Thanks for linking to that issue! I originally went down a similar path (trying to somehow use the existing README files and pull them directly into the DocsPage) but ultimately found it easier just to use the data that Stencil puts in the docs JSON file, since it does not include the table of props and everything (since that data is elsewhere in the JSON file and the structured data is perfect for creating a custom table from).

jhesgodi commented 4 years ago

@alexlafroscia Thanks for sharing your findings. Can I ask how can I debug the CustomDocsPage?

I've tried adding it with addParameters and it doesn't seem to be using the custom but the default instead.

`.storybook/config.js` setup ```js import { configure, addParameters } from '@storybook/react'; import { themes } from '@storybook/theming'; import { CustomDocsPage } from './docs.jsx'; addParameters({ options: { theme: themes.dark }, docs: { page: CustomDocsPage } }); configure(require.context('../src', true, /\.(story|stories)\.(mdx)$/), module); ```
`component.story.mdx` ```mdx ### Web Component ```

The WC itself is loaded in the storybook docs page, even without using the CustomDocsPage. Is there a way I can debug the component? I tried adding some logs, but I can't see any.

Thanks in advance.