strapi / nextjs-corporate-starter

Strapi Demo application for Corporate Websites using Next.js
MIT License
955 stars 285 forks source link

Seed into mysql doesn't work #122

Open pjsotou opened 2 months ago

pjsotou commented 2 months ago

When I try to run the project using a MySQL instance the import doesnt work

yarn strapi import -f ../seed-data.tar.gz

[ERROR] insert into components_layout_footers_categories_links (category_id, category_order, footer_id) values (2, 3, 2) - ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (strapi.components_layout_footers_categories_links, CONSTRAINT components_layout_footers_categories_links_fk FOREIGN KEY (footer_id) REFERENCES components_layout_footers (id) ON DEL)

Here is my docker file

version: '3.1'

    image: mysql:8
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: du1jh4812hd
      MYSQL_DATABASE: strapi
      MYSQL_USER: strapi
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: uf0joi1jfo3i98145jklfjdhklashjklKLJJd
    - mysql_data_8:/var/lib/mysql
    - ./init-mysql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
      - "3309:3306"

Here is my databse.js

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  connection: {
    client: 'mysql',
    connection: {
      host: env('DATABASE_HOST', ''),
      port:'DATABASE_PORT', 3309),
      database: env('DATABASE_NAME', 'strapi'),
      user: env('DATABASE_USERNAME', 'root'),
      password: env('DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'du1jh4812hd'),
      ssl: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL', false),

Remember to run in the mysql instance and exec

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'admin';

PaulBratslavsky commented 2 months ago

@pjsotou thank you, will take a look to see what can be going on here.

Quick question. Have you tried, adding your own data when running SQL and exporting and reimporting. I wonder if that will work for you.

When I created that export I was using SQLite, maybe there is something that is happening here.

gnaaromat commented 2 months ago

FYI: Also doesnt work with a postgres installation (I am not using the backend - already had strapi installed)

Here is the output from the import:

strapi import -f ../nextjs-corporate-starter/seed-data.tar.gz ? The import will delete your existing data! Are you sure you want to proceed? Yes [2024-04-11 15:29:15.513] warn: (Schema Integrity) plugin::i18n.locale does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.514] warn: (Schema Integrity) plugin::users-permissions.permission does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.515] warn: (Schema Integrity) plugin::users-permissions.role does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.516] warn: (Schema Integrity) plugin::users-permissions.user does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.516] warn: (Schema Integrity) api::article.article does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.517] warn: (Schema Integrity) does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.517] warn: (Schema Integrity) api::category.category does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.518] warn: (Schema Integrity) does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.518] warn: (Schema Integrity) api::lead-form-submission.lead-form-submission does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.519] warn: (Schema Integrity) does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.519] warn: (Schema Integrity) api::product-feature.product-feature does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.520] warn: (Schema Integrity) elements.feature-column does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.520] warn: (Schema Integrity) elements.feature-row does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.521] warn: (Schema Integrity) elements.feature does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.521] warn: (Schema Integrity) elements.footer-section does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.522] warn: (Schema Integrity) elements.logos does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.522] warn: (Schema Integrity) elements.notification-banner does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.523] warn: (Schema Integrity) elements.plan does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.523] warn: (Schema Integrity) elements.testimonial does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.524] warn: (Schema Integrity) layout.footer does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.524] warn: (Schema Integrity) layout.logo does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.525] warn: (Schema Integrity) layout.navbar does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.525] warn: (Schema Integrity) links.button-link does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.525] warn: (Schema Integrity) links.button does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.525] warn: (Schema Integrity) does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.526] warn: (Schema Integrity) does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.526] warn: (Schema Integrity) meta.metadata does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.527] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.bottom-actions does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.527] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.feature-columns-group does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.527] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.feature-rows-group does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.527] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.features does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.528] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.heading does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.528] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.hero does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.528] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.large-video does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.528] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.lead-form does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.529] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.pricing does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.529] warn: (Schema Integrity) does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.529] warn: (Schema Integrity) sections.testimonials-group does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.530] warn: (Schema Integrity) does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.530] warn: (Schema Integrity) shared.quote does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.530] warn: (Schema Integrity) does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.530] warn: (Schema Integrity) shared.seo does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.531] warn: (Schema Integrity) shared.slider does not exist on destination [2024-04-11 15:29:15.531] warn: (Schema Integrity) does not exist on destination ? There are differences in schema between the source and destination, and the data listed above will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue? Yes Starting import... ✔ entities: 21 transfered (size: 19.6 KB) (elapsed: 217 ms) ✔ assets: 70 transfered (size: 23.3 MB) (elapsed: 4722 ms) ✔ links: 0 transfered (size: 0) (elapsed: 0 ms) ✔ configuration: 66 transfered (size: 139.5 KB) (elapsed: 59 ms) ┌────────────────────────┬───────┬───────────────┐ │ Type │ Count │ Size │ ├────────────────────────┼───────┼───────────────┤ │ entities │ 21 │ 19.6 KB │ ├────────────────────────┼───────┼───────────────┤ │ -- plugin::upload.file │ 21 │ ( 19.6 KB) │ ├────────────────────────┼───────┼───────────────┤ │ assets │ 70 │ 23.3 MB │ ├────────────────────────┼───────┼───────────────┤ │ -- .ico │ 1 │ ( 15 KB) │ ├────────────────────────┼───────┼───────────────┤ │ -- .jpg │ 52 │ ( 23 MB) │ ├────────────────────────┼───────┼───────────────┤ │ -- .png │ 13 │ ( 243.6 KB) │ ├────────────────────────┼───────┼───────────────┤ │ -- .svg │ 4 │ ( 17.7 KB) │ ├────────────────────────┼───────┼───────────────┤ │ configuration │ 66 │ 139.5 KB │ ├────────────────────────┼───────┼───────────────┤ │ Total │ 157 │ 23.4 MB │ └────────────────────────┴───────┴───────────────┘

(all I did was create an admin user before running the import)

PaulBratslavsky commented 2 months ago

Just some follow up questions.

  1. You are not using the backend from the Strapi starter correct?
  2. Is your content types and schema identical to what the backend of Strapi starter had?

In order to have smooth sailing with Data Transfer your schema has to match exactly. Hence you are getting this message.

? There are differences in schema between the source and destination, and the data listed above will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue? Yes

What I would recommend as a way to test. Use your currant Strpai instance.

  1. Create new data in the Strapi Admin
  2. Export the newly created data ( this way your current schema will match your exported file )
  3. Try to reimport the data.

This way we can see if it is the DTS that is failing or that the backup from my project is not compatible with yours.

Let, me know how it goes. And thank you.