strawberrymusicplayer / strawberry

:strawberry: Strawberry Music Player
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.53k stars 164 forks source link
alsa audio audio-player bitperfect bitperfect-player c-plus-plus c-plus-plus-11 flac high-end lastfm linux linux-desktop music music-player musicbrainz qt strawberry strawberry-music-player tidal wavpack

:strawberry: Strawberry Music Player Build Status

Sponsor Patreon PayPal

Strawberry is a music player and music collection organizer. It is a fork of Clementine released in 2018 aimed at music collectors and audiophiles. It's written in C++ using the Qt toolkit.



:bangbang: Opening an issue

:moneybag: Sponsoring

The program is free software, released under GPL. If you like this program and can make use of it, consider sponsoring or donating to help fund the project. There are currently 4 options for sponsoring:

  1. GitHub
  2. Patreon
  3. Ko-fi
  4. PayPal

Funding developers is a way to contribute to open source projects you appreciate, it helps developers get the resources they need, and recognize contributors working behind the scenes to make open source better for everyone.

:heavy_check_mark: Features

It has so far been tested to work on Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, macOS and Windows.

macOS releases are currently limited to sponsors. This is because Strawberry mainly has one contributor/developer and supporting macOS requires Apple hardware, building libraries Strawberry depends and a Apple developer account for signing releases. If you are sponsoring strawberry through Patreon, releases are available directly on Patreon, if you are sponsoring through GitHub, Ko-fi or Paypal, please e-mail for access to downloads.

:heavy_exclamation_mark: Requirements

To build Strawberry from source you need the following installed on your system with the additional development packages/headers:

Optional dependencies:

You should also install the gstreamer plugins base and good, and optionally bad, ugly and libav to support all audio formats.

:wrench: Compiling from source

Get the code:

git clone --recursive

Compile and install:

cd strawberry
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DBUILD_WITH_QT6=ON
make -j $(nproc)
sudo make install

Strawberry is backwards compatible with Qt 5, to compile with Qt 5 use:

cmake .. -DBUILD_WITH_QT5=ON

To compile on Windows with Visual Studio 2019 or 2022, see

:penguin: Packaging status

Packaging status