strawpants / kanboard_taskwarrior

Sync tasks between taskwarrior and kanboard
MIT License
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Sync tasks between a local taskwarrior instance and an online Kanboard instance. Note: this is an experimental version, it has limited functionality and I can't garantee it does not accidentally loses tasks


To install the script you can directly install it using pip from github pip install git+

This will install a python module together with a command line script


In order to synchronize a Kanboard project, a synchronization link must be registered first. You can take the following steps below

  1. If you haven't doen so, set up a Kanboard project on your Kanboard server
  2. Generate an API token on the Kanboard server by clicking at the top right the arrow next to your user avatar and select My Profile->API-> generate a new token
  3. Install and setup Taskwarrior on your local computer
  4. Run -c ProjectName where ProjectName is the name of your Kanboard project (it will also be the name of the Taskwarrior project`
  5. Follow the interactive instructions from the script to assign a mapping between your Kanboard project and Taskwarrior instance

You can then synchronize tasks at will by running -s

Note: the configuration and state of the synchronization is stored in a sqlite database ~/.task/taskw-sync-KB.sql

Running as a service

The script can also be run as a daeomon service which sychronizes the tasks at regular intervals (using the -d option). A service file is provided which can be run as a user service upon login:

  1. copy to ~/.config/systemd/user/
  2. enable the user service systemctl --user enable tasksync
  3. start the service systemctl --user start tasksync

Command line usage

Some help can be listed by executing -h:

usage: [-h] [-c] [-s] [-d [SECONDS]] [-t] [-r] [-p] [-l] [-v] [Project]

Program to synchronize kanboard and taskwarrrior tasks

positional arguments:
  Project               Specify specific project to apply the actions to (default takes all)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --config          Configure/modify kanboard-taskwarrior connections
  -s, --sync            Synchronize the registered connections
  -d [SECONDS], --daemonize [SECONDS]
                        Run the syncing operation as a service (default checks once every hour)
  -t, --test            Report the actions which a sync would do but do not actually execute them
  -r, --remove          Remove a project link from the database, this does not delete actual tasks
  -p, --purge           Purge dangling tasks (deleted in either taskwarrior or kanboard)
  -l, --list            List configured couplings
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity (more -v's mean an increased verbosity)