Open simone-anza opened 1 month ago
Here's a reprex:
m <- lm((mpg) ~ gear, data = mtcars)
plot(predict_response(m, "gear"))
plot(predict_response(m, "gear"), show_data = TRUE)
#> Raw data not available.
Created on 2024-10-31 with reprex v2.1.1
Is there a reason why you need to wrap your response variable in parenthesis in the formula?
thank you for developing this tool - versatility is great and I am using it since years! Not sure if it is a new realese thing but I am getting messages that "Raw data not available.". Unfortunatly, I work with data under restrictions and can't publish dataset but this is happening when I code response variable between parenteses - I am just point this out for others
this causes the problem full = glmmTMB(((my.response)) ~ my.pred1 + my.pred2 + (1|my.random), family = gaussian(), na.action = na.exclude, data = mydata)
this is ok full = glmmTMB(my.response ~ my.pred1 + my.pred2 + (1|my.random), family = gaussian(), na.action = na.exclude, data = mydata)