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r2 not working for my glmmTMB genpois model - Object not found #89

Closed damienneadle closed 5 years ago

damienneadle commented 5 years ago

My issue is that I am trying to run r2() on my glmmTMB genpois model. I have found that it comes up with an error message of:

r2(mySimpleReducedGenPoisSocial1mModel) object 'socialData$Mean_number_in_1_constant' not found [1] NA Warning message: Can't compute random effect variances. Some variance components equal zero. Solution: Respecify random structure!

The object it cannot find is clearly there and is properly specified. The warning message is also confusing - is this an issue with the function or something I am doing wrong? The updates to the package suggest that this should work.


strengejacke commented 5 years ago

1) Are you using the latest version of sjstats? If so, it simply wraps performance::r2(), you could try that function (which should, however, yield the same error if all pkgs are up to date)

2) Do you have a reprex? Or at least your function call? Have you used a data-argument?

damienneadle commented 5 years ago


Yes, I am using the latest version - the same error is yielded.

Here is my model code:

mySimpleReducedGenPoisSocial1mModel= glmmTMB(socialData$Mean_number_in_1_constant~Age_rearing+Group+(1|Name), data = socialData, family=genpois)

Yes, I have used a data = argument. I noticed that I put in an unecessary call for the data twice - when I remove this I get the following:

r2(mySimpleReducedGenPoisSocial1mModel) [1] NA Warning messages: 1: Can't compute random effect variances. Some variance components equal zero. Solution: Respecify random structure! 2: In nlminb(start = par, objective = fn, gradient = gr, control = control$optCtrl) : NA/NaN function evaluation 3: mu of 1.9 is too close to zero, estimate of random effect variances may be unreliable.

Warning 2 is expected and Ben Bolker suggests this can be ignored. However, 1 and 3 seem off. Also, the value of NA is odd.


strengejacke commented 5 years ago

Ok. Warning 1 and 3 are expected, in particular if your model is a singular fit (you can use performance::check_singularity() to check this).

If some variance components equal zero, there is no variance available that is needed to compute the r-squared, so the return value is NA. However, we have revised the r2()-function and it now returns a value, including a warning that random effects variances are not taken into account for r-squared.

You can install the performance pkg from GitHub (see details and try r2() from that package on your model. It should return a r-squared value, but that value is probably not reliable.

You also may need to update insight from GitHub first (, in order to make the GitHub version from performance work.

damienneadle commented 5 years ago

Right okay! Thanks for this. glmmTMB didn't warn me that this model was a singular fit so I had sort of assumed it wasn't.

I will consider my model further then! Thanks for the help!