strongbox-password-safe / Strongbox

A KeePass/Password Safe Client for iOS and OS X
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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MacOS: Disable Sorting #745

Closed JLWFuQrioea69ugsykvQcg closed 6 months ago

JLWFuQrioea69ugsykvQcg commented 6 months ago

I may be overlooking this option, but I'd like to disable sorting on the MacOS Strongbox app. I can perform this option in both Keepass and the iOS Strongbox app. The current options are either ascending or descending for the selected field. Adding a new entry adds it to the end of the item list for the parent folder. I'd like to see this view and manually sort as needed. Am I overlooking a setting somewhere?

strongbox-mark commented 6 months ago

This is a little hidden but unfortunately haven't been able to find a better UX yet:

Database Settings > Advanced > Sort Items

JLWFuQrioea69ugsykvQcg commented 6 months ago

ah perfect! I guess I should have looked a bit harder. The only downside is now I can't alternate between sorted ascending, sorted descending, and nonsorted simply by clicking the "Title" field for example. This is the way Keepass behaves which makes it simple. Maybe a future enhancement?

Not to imply your app has to behave exactly like Keepass--just pointing out the convenience of that configuration for my use case :-)

strongbox-mark commented 6 months ago

Yes, it's be nice to have a "Tri-State" sort on the column header, we did attempt to implement this a while back but it proved to be too difficult to implement in the time window we needed. We'll definitely revisit this.