structurizr / dsl

Structurizr DSL
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Ignore/hide all relations not linked to system in context #97

Closed MTomBosch closed 2 years ago

MTomBosch commented 2 years ago

I am trying to get a system context diagram where only the relations are visible that are linked with the system in context. Otherwise the diagram that I get is so cluttered with relations that it can no more read easily.

I tried different approach but it did not work out. E.g. I took the big bank example and adapted it to have a relation between the email and mainframe system. Then I played around with the include and exclude expressions but it did not work out. My expection would be to be able to ignore the relation between the mainframe and email system and between the email and the person.

I finally tried also such an expression: include relationship!=systemInContext->* but the dsl does not understand that sort of expression unfortunately.

For reference here the complete big bank dsl that I adapted:

 * This is a combined version of the following workspaces:
 * - "Big Bank plc - System Landscape" (
 * - "Big Bank plc - Internet Banking System" (
workspace "Big Bank plc" "This is an example workspace to illustrate the key features of Structurizr, via the DSL, based around a fictional online banking system." {

    model {
        customer = person "Personal Banking Customer" "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts." "Customer"

        enterprise "Big Bank plc" {
            supportStaff = person "Customer Service Staff" "Customer service staff within the bank." "Bank Staff"
            backoffice = person "Back Office Staff" "Administration and support staff within the bank." "Bank Staff"

            mainframe = softwaresystem "Mainframe Banking System" "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc." "Existing System"
            email = softwaresystem "E-mail System" "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system." "Existing System"
            atm = softwaresystem "ATM" "Allows customers to withdraw cash." "Existing System"

            internetBankingSystem = softwaresystem "Internet Banking System" "Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments." {
                singlePageApplication = container "Single-Page Application" "Provides all of the Internet banking functionality to customers via their web browser." "JavaScript and Angular" "Web Browser"
                mobileApp = container "Mobile App" "Provides a limited subset of the Internet banking functionality to customers via their mobile device." "Xamarin" "Mobile App"
                webApplication = container "Web Application" "Delivers the static content and the Internet banking single page application." "Java and Spring MVC"
                apiApplication = container "API Application" "Provides Internet banking functionality via a JSON/HTTPS API." "Java and Spring MVC" {
                    signinController = component "Sign In Controller" "Allows users to sign in to the Internet Banking System." "Spring MVC Rest Controller"
                    accountsSummaryController = component "Accounts Summary Controller" "Provides customers with a summary of their bank accounts." "Spring MVC Rest Controller"
                    resetPasswordController = component "Reset Password Controller" "Allows users to reset their passwords with a single use URL." "Spring MVC Rest Controller"
                    securityComponent = component "Security Component" "Provides functionality related to signing in, changing passwords, etc." "Spring Bean"
                    mainframeBankingSystemFacade = component "Mainframe Banking System Facade" "A facade onto the mainframe banking system." "Spring Bean"
                    emailComponent = component "E-mail Component" "Sends e-mails to users." "Spring Bean"
                database = container "Database" "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc." "Oracle Database Schema" "Database"

        mainframe -> email "MISC RELATION"

        # relationships between people and software systems
        customer -> internetBankingSystem "Views account balances, and makes payments using"
        internetBankingSystem -> mainframe "Gets account information from, and makes payments using"
        internetBankingSystem -> email "Sends e-mail using"
        email -> customer "Sends e-mails to"
        customer -> supportStaff "Asks questions to" "Telephone"
        supportStaff -> mainframe "Uses"
        customer -> atm "Withdraws cash using"
        atm -> mainframe "Uses"
        backoffice -> mainframe "Uses"

        # relationships to/from containers
        customer -> webApplication "Visits using" "HTTPS"
        customer -> singlePageApplication "Views account balances, and makes payments using"
        customer -> mobileApp "Views account balances, and makes payments using"
        webApplication -> singlePageApplication "Delivers to the customer's web browser"

        # relationships to/from components
        singlePageApplication -> signinController "Makes API calls to" "JSON/HTTPS"
        singlePageApplication -> accountsSummaryController "Makes API calls to" "JSON/HTTPS"
        singlePageApplication -> resetPasswordController "Makes API calls to" "JSON/HTTPS"
        mobileApp -> signinController "Makes API calls to" "JSON/HTTPS"
        mobileApp -> accountsSummaryController "Makes API calls to" "JSON/HTTPS"
        mobileApp -> resetPasswordController "Makes API calls to" "JSON/HTTPS"
        signinController -> securityComponent "Uses"
        accountsSummaryController -> mainframeBankingSystemFacade "Uses"
        resetPasswordController -> securityComponent "Uses"
        resetPasswordController -> emailComponent "Uses"
        securityComponent -> database "Reads from and writes to" "JDBC"
        mainframeBankingSystemFacade -> mainframe "Makes API calls to" "XML/HTTPS"
        emailComponent -> email "Sends e-mail using"

        deploymentEnvironment "Development" {
            deploymentNode "Developer Laptop" "" "Microsoft Windows 10 or Apple macOS" {
                deploymentNode "Web Browser" "" "Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge" {
                    developerSinglePageApplicationInstance = containerInstance singlePageApplication
                deploymentNode "Docker Container - Web Server" "" "Docker" {
                    deploymentNode "Apache Tomcat" "" "Apache Tomcat 8.x" {
                        developerWebApplicationInstance = containerInstance webApplication
                        developerApiApplicationInstance = containerInstance apiApplication
                deploymentNode "Docker Container - Database Server" "" "Docker" {
                    deploymentNode "Database Server" "" "Oracle 12c" {
                        developerDatabaseInstance = containerInstance database
            deploymentNode "Big Bank plc" "" "Big Bank plc data center" "" {
                deploymentNode "bigbank-dev001" "" "" "" {
                    softwareSystemInstance mainframe


        deploymentEnvironment "Live" {
            deploymentNode "Customer's mobile device" "" "Apple iOS or Android" {
                liveMobileAppInstance = containerInstance mobileApp
            deploymentNode "Customer's computer" "" "Microsoft Windows or Apple macOS" {
                deploymentNode "Web Browser" "" "Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge" {
                    liveSinglePageApplicationInstance = containerInstance singlePageApplication

            deploymentNode "Big Bank plc" "" "Big Bank plc data center" {
                deploymentNode "bigbank-web***" "" "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS" "" 4 {
                    deploymentNode "Apache Tomcat" "" "Apache Tomcat 8.x" {
                        liveWebApplicationInstance = containerInstance webApplication
                deploymentNode "bigbank-api***" "" "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS" "" 8 {
                    deploymentNode "Apache Tomcat" "" "Apache Tomcat 8.x" {
                        liveApiApplicationInstance = containerInstance apiApplication

                deploymentNode "bigbank-db01" "" "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS" {
                    primaryDatabaseServer = deploymentNode "Oracle - Primary" "" "Oracle 12c" {
                        livePrimaryDatabaseInstance = containerInstance database
                deploymentNode "bigbank-db02" "" "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS" "Failover" {
                    secondaryDatabaseServer = deploymentNode "Oracle - Secondary" "" "Oracle 12c" "Failover" {
                        liveSecondaryDatabaseInstance = containerInstance database "Failover"
                deploymentNode "bigbank-prod001" "" "" "" {
                    softwareSystemInstance mainframe

            primaryDatabaseServer -> secondaryDatabaseServer "Replicates data to"

    views {
        systemlandscape "SystemLandscape" {
            include *


        systemcontext internetBankingSystem "SystemContext" {
            include internetBankingSystem->
            include ->internetBankingSystem
            include relationship==internetBankingSystem->*
            include relationship==*->internetBankingSystem

            animation {

        container internetBankingSystem "Containers" {
            include *
            animation {
                customer mainframe email

        component apiApplication "Components" {
            include *
            animation {
                singlePageApplication mobileApp database email mainframe
                signinController securityComponent
                accountsSummaryController mainframeBankingSystemFacade
                resetPasswordController emailComponent

        dynamic apiApplication "SignIn" "Summarises how the sign in feature works in the single-page application." {
            singlePageApplication -> signinController "Submits credentials to"
            signinController -> securityComponent "Validates credentials using"
            securityComponent -> database "select * from users where username = ?"
            database -> securityComponent "Returns user data to"
            securityComponent -> signinController "Returns true if the hashed password matches"
            signinController -> singlePageApplication "Sends back an authentication token to"

        deployment internetBankingSystem "Development" "DevelopmentDeployment" {
            include *
            animation {
                developerWebApplicationInstance developerApiApplicationInstance

        deployment internetBankingSystem "Live" "LiveDeployment" {
            include *
            animation {
                liveWebApplicationInstance liveApiApplicationInstance

        styles {
            element "Person" {
                color #ffffff
                fontSize 22
                shape Person
            element "Customer" {
                background #08427b
            element "Bank Staff" {
                background #999999
            element "Software System" {
                background #1168bd
                color #ffffff
            element "Existing System" {
                background #999999
                color #ffffff
            element "Container" {
                background #438dd5
                color #ffffff
            element "Web Browser" {
                shape WebBrowser
            element "Mobile App" {
                shape MobileDeviceLandscape
            element "Database" {
                shape Cylinder
            element "Component" {
                background #85bbf0
                color #000000
            element "Failover" {
                opacity 25
simonbrowndotje commented 2 years ago

Probably the easiest way to do that is to use the scripting support in conjunction with the removeRelationshipsNotConnectedToElement method.

MTomBosch commented 2 years ago

Are the scripts also supported when using the cli and the export command?

MTomBosch commented 2 years ago

It worked, thank you. But I first thought I have to add the groovy code within the view block that I want to change. But there nothing happened. Only after adding it to the end of the dsl file it worked.

Nevertheless I personally feel that this feature would be really nice to have out of the box and not with a custom script, using the above mentioned but not supported expression:

exclude relationship!=systemInContext->*
exclude relationship!=*->systemInContext

In words: Remove all relations that are not linked to the system in context.

simonbrowndotje commented 2 years ago

Thanks, that's great. You can also do something like this:

workspace {

    model {
        a = softwareSystem "A"
        b = softwareSystem "B"
        c = softwareSystem "C"

        a -> b
        a -> c
        b -> c

    views { 
        systemContext b {
            include *
            exclude *->*
            include *->b
            include b->*

MTomBosch commented 2 years ago

Does it mean that the includes and excludes are executed in the order of their appearance in the view block? And what remains after executing the includes and excludes will be shown.

If that is the case it would be a good to mention this include/exclude behaviour explicitly in the user doc. Because I thought that the includes and excludes are kind of aggregated (independent of the sequence in the block) and then the excludes are removed from the includes.

MTomBosch commented 2 years ago

To share the script that I used:

    # Remove all relations not linked to system in context for all system context views!
    # Otherwise the diagram is too much cluttered
    # Custom script based fix for
    !script groovy {
        workspace.views.systemContextViews.each{ v ->
            element = v.getSoftwareSystem();
simonbrowndotje commented 2 years ago

Does it mean that the includes and excludes are executed in the order of their appearance in the view block?

Yes, all lines are executed in order; see

MTomBosch commented 2 years ago

Ok. That short sentence is proof ;)

Lines are processed in order.

Maybe adding a hint especially for the include/exclude scenario would help.

Anyway thank you, will close the issue now.