stuartridout / promptbuddy

Prompt Buddy is a free Microsoft Teams Power App using Dataverse for Teams. It is a space where your team can share their favourite AI prompts and upvote prompts from others. It is preloaded with Copilot categories but others can be added.
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Manager - Can't View Categories After Cancelling The Creation Of A New One #8

Closed AarnavDAA closed 3 months ago

AarnavDAA commented 3 months ago

In the manager, if I press "Add Category" and then press "cancel" to exit out of the category creation form, then every time I click on a category (app, persona, department, anything) I am greeted with the category creation from instead of a list of prompts that fall under the category I clicked. This does not go away until I actually create a new category, however if I cancel the creation of another new category, the issue starts all over again.

AarnavDAA commented 3 months ago

Fixed it after a few hours.

Pretty janky but I copied this code: image_2024-04-02_164028881

From the "Add Category" button's OnSelect property and pasted it into cancel button's OnSelect property in the second parameter of the first If function.

I made the back button invisible when the category creation form is open to avoid confusion (set the Visibility property to !locCreateNewCampaign) but if anyone wants to keep it in the form then you could probably paste the same code into its OnSelect property.

Erithano commented 3 months ago

Thanks @AarnavDAA ! This bug was already on our backlog, but not yet started. Grateful for your contribution 🙏 Pending tests, we will incorporate the fix into a future release!

Current workaround: Reload the tab / Manager App

AarnavDAA commented 3 months ago

Seems good, thanks for the update. 👍