stuartridout / teamlink

TeamLink is a free Microsoft Teams Power App using Dataverse for Teams. It is a space where your team can share there whereabouts for the week ahead directly in Microsoft Teams. Users can select who they want to 'follow' and see the upcoming presences of or can view by site to see who is planning to be on site on that day. TeamLink allows you then to message to see if the person wants to meet up for a coffee ... all from the click of a button!
MIT License
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The information placed is not displayed within "My Team" #24

Closed JhojanR closed 1 year ago

JhojanR commented 1 year ago

Nice to greet you Stuar, I have the following problem: I have several users where, when filling in the location of where they will be in the week, it is not displayed in the "My Team" tab. I attached a reference image, hoping you can guide me to a solution.

Thank you very much and greetings. afefe57754ad4e558c3dcac07cd30a48

stuartridout commented 1 year ago

That's very strange. Is it just when you select Home/Casa?

Can other people see your presence in My Team?

JhojanR commented 1 year ago

If I grab the user and drop them into my pinned list, I see their selection with no problem. But within "My team" some selections are not displayed as I show you in the photo. I've already checked some things with the user but I can't find the problem.

stuartridout commented 1 year ago

If you refresh the app does it show?

JhojanR commented 1 year ago

Not yet, we currently have version, if we do the update do you think it will correct the error?

stuartridout commented 1 year ago

I would recommend it as it has new functionality but I can see from your screenshot that you've localised the text so perhaps you should install it into a new environment to test how it works for you before committing to do the upgrade as it will remove your changes.

stuartridout commented 1 year ago

There is a pre-release available at along with some other feature enhancements. This is pre-release so be sure to try in a test environment.