stuartridout / teamlink

TeamLink is a free Microsoft Teams Power App using Dataverse for Teams. It is a space where your team can share there whereabouts for the week ahead directly in Microsoft Teams. Users can select who they want to 'follow' and see the upcoming presences of or can view by site to see who is planning to be on site on that day. TeamLink allows you then to message to see if the person wants to meet up for a coffee ... all from the click of a button!
MIT License
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Upgrade to challenges but might be due to installation to standard Dataverse environment! #53

Closed digitalanalogue9 closed 1 year ago

digitalanalogue9 commented 1 year ago

TeamLink installed in standard Dataverse Environment. Intent is the same TeamLink whatever MS Team the PowerApp is added to.

Initial observations on load It did present me with a button about localisations which I pressed but no options to choose a language

And then the UI shows an interesting mix of Spanish and English image

Is this because I didn't install TeamLink to a Teams Environment? Noted in the YouTube video, TeamLink could be pinned to the Teams Apps and that you could set some defaults like language there. I'm guessing this then sets the locale param in the query string when it loads the app. And assuming because of not installing it in Teams Dataverse, I might not get the ability to pin the app :(

from initialLoading.triggerLoading.OnTimerStart Set( userLocale, Param("locale") );

... so maybe a local tweak in the app and replicate how you query TeamLinkSettings by create a custom SettingName. The standard dataverse install would mean a global langugage setting but could maybe add that as a user setting ?

Also post upgrade,

AppName string bgColour hex bgGrey hex headerColour hex primaryButton hex primaryButtonText hex lightText hex secondaryText hex tertiaryText hex primaryForeground hex MeetIcon svg ShowProfilePics boolean

I only had PurgeAgeDays int 7 ShowProfilePics boolean

stuartridout commented 1 year ago

Firstly, installing in full Dataverse is the perfect use case. We only highlight Dataverse for Teams as many of the users don't have full Dataverse. The intention is perfect, one TeamLink across all Teams.

The language prompt is intentional and is an admin setting. Rather than selecting your personal language it is a system load of the language strings as they are not present in an upgrade. Users shouldn't see this.

The TeamLink upgrade was tested in a full Dataverse environment so not sure why you've got multiple present options. I am wondering if it is connected to the other issue you have raised (with initial setup) as that is where the Present Options are initially created. Alternatively it could have happened during the environment cloning.

I'm interested in why you have Spanish as it would default to English in the absence of a language Param obtained from Teams. Are you accessing this in browser?

The extra TeamLink settings are manually created. I'm going to add extra documentation about how to configure them as there are extras you've not got listed like the actual logo for the app.

Lastly, you mentioned not being able to pin the app because of not being installed in Dataverse for Teams. Do you mean on the left hand app bar? Could you expand on that please.

digitalanalogue9 commented 1 year ago

Cool - we're within what was in your head when making!

I'll ditch the environment and start again. Will remove the unmanaged layer first. And initial test will be from Teams rather than web.

re Language - I was testing from a web page rather than from Teams so locale param would have been missing so value would be null. Once I've started again, I'll check the data/code as to why it might have chosen Spanish first.

re the Present Options - Will check there's 4 before upgrading and what happens after the upgrade and first usage.

And re pinning - yes I meant the left hand app bar - assumption on my part as I hadn't yet added it to teams - I'll revert once I've done that.

digitalanalogue9 commented 1 year ago

Closing - after removing the customisations and then updating the solution - worked as expected