styxit / HTPC-Manager

A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your Htpc.
MIT License
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Sonarr support broken after upgrade to latest version of HTPC Manager #349

Open bixtool opened 9 years ago

bixtool commented 9 years ago

HTPC Manager Log:

2015-04-14 22:50:42 :: modules.sonarr :: ERROR :: Failed to fetch url=http://localhost:8989/sonarr/api/profile path=profile error No JSON object could be decoded 2015-04-14 22:50:42 :: modules.sonarr :: ERROR :: Failed to fetch url=http://localhost:8989/sonarr/api/Rootfolder path=Rootfolder error No JSON object could be decoded 2015-04-14 22:50:42 :: cherrypy.error.26640112 :: ERROR :: [14/Apr/2015:22:50:42] HTTP Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\HTPCManager\libs\", line 656, in respond response.body = self.handler() File "c:\HTPCManager\libs\cherrypy\lib\", line 188, in call self.body = self.oldhandler(_args, _kwargs) File "c:\HTPCManager\libs\cherrypy\lib\", line 61, in json_handler value = cherrypy.serving.request._json_inner_handler(_args, _kwargs) File "c:\HTPCManager\libs\", line 34, in call return self.callable(_self.args, *_self.kwargs) File "c:\HTPCManager\modules\", line 117, in Rootfolder return [folder["path"] for folder in self.fetch('Rootfolder')] TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

2015-04-14 22:50:43 :: modules.sonarr :: ERROR :: Failed to fetch url=http://localhost:8989/sonarr/api/Series path=Series error No JSON object could be decoded 2015-04-14 22:50:43 :: modules.sonarr :: ERROR :: Failed to fetch url=http://localhost:8989/sonarr/api/History?page=1&pageSize=100&sortKey=date&sortDir=desc path=History?page=1&pageSize=100&sortKey=date&sortDir=desc error No JSON object could be decoded 2015-04-14 22:50:43 :: modules.sonarr :: ERROR :: Failed to fetch url=http://localhost:8989/sonarr/api/

Hellowlol commented 9 years ago

@bixtool Hi. This repo don't have sonarr.

Can you read the issue guidelines and open a issue here

There hasn't been any updates in the sonarr module for some time so it shouldn't be related to the latest update.