subhh / libconnect

Diese TYPO3-Extension ist von Avonis im Auftrag der Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Hamburg entwickelt worden. Mit ihr lassen sich Ergebnisse aus den Informationssystemen EZB und DBIS der Universitaet Regensburg direkt in das TYPO3-System einbinden.
GNU General Public License v2.0
8 stars 8 forks source link

Task: Include assets only where needed #24

Closed christophlehmann closed 2 years ago

christophlehmann commented 3 years ago

Due to the TypoScript

page.includeCSS.dbis = EXT:libconnect/Resources/Public/Css/dbis.css = all

page.includeCSS.ezb = EXT:libconnect/Resources/Public/Css/ezb.css = all

page.includeJSFooter.ezb = EXT:libconnect/Resources/Public/JavaScript/ezb.js

these assets are included on every page. This could be improved by using the new ViewHelpers

<f:asset.script identifier="identifier123" src="EXT:my_ext/Resources/Public/JavaScript/foo.js" />
<f:asset.css identifier="identifier123" href="EXT:my_ext/Resources/Public/Css/foo.css" />

and include these assets only where needed (Layout or Template)

percolatorWitt commented 2 years ago

It´s done.