sublimehq / sublime_merge

Issue tracker for Sublime Merge
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Key Bindings for Merge Tool not working #1935

Closed hulleyrob closed 1 week ago

hulleyrob commented 1 week ago

Version info

[ { "keys": ["alt+super+down"], "command": "next conflict", "context": [{"operator": "equal", "key": "merge_mode"}] }, { "keys": ["alt+super+up"], "command": "prev conflict", "context": [{"operator": "equal", "key": "merge_mode"}] }, { "keys": ["alt+super+right"], "command": "take left", "context": [{"operator": "equal", "key": "merge_mode"}] }, { "keys": ["alt+super+left"], "command": "take right", "context": [{"operator": "equal", "key": "merge_mode"}] }, ]

A description of what the bug is.

They don't seem to work at all, also I cannot find any files in the sublime merge folder to confirm that these are in fact the correct commands for what im trying to achieve.

Expected behavior

I want to be able to use the above to navigate to the next/previous conflict and use the other commands to merge left and right.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks Rob

hulleyrob commented 1 week ago

OK putting an underscore in prev and next conflict fixes those two but still can't get take left and right working.

hulleyrob commented 1 week ago

Right after some lucky guess work the following appears to work:

[ { "keys": ["alt+down"], "command": "next_conflict", "context": [{"operator": "equal", "key": "merge_mode"}] }, { "keys": ["alt+up"], "command": "prev_conflict", "context": [{"operator": "equal", "key": "merge_mode"}] }, { "keys": ["alt+right"], "command": "use_left_hunk", "context": [{"operator": "equal", "key": "merge_mode"}] }, { "keys": ["alt+left"], "command": "use_right_hunk", "context": [{"operator": "equal", "key": "merge_mode"}] }, ]