submariner-io / submariner

Networking component for interconnecting Pods and Services across Kubernetes clusters.
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Wireguard cable drive fails in clusters with OVNKubernetes CNI #3032

Open aswinsuryan opened 3 weeks ago

aswinsuryan commented 3 weeks ago

What happened:Wireguard cable drive fails in clusters with OVNKubernetes CNI . The gateways are not connected.

What you expected to happen: The gateways should be connected and the. end to end test should pass.

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): Deploy submarienr in a with OVNKubernetes clusters with wireguard as cable driver

Anything else we need to know?:


dfarrell07 commented 3 weeks ago

This user does seem to be using Wireguard, Yossi pointed out:

Tom did some looking and suspected the Wireguard CI failover/restart issue might be related to KIND version bump, not a code change on our side. Aswin says maybe some IP routes or other resources are going missing during restarts.

Maybe should add a KI that 0.18 doesn't work perfectly with Wireguard+OVNKubernetes:

Aswin did some testing with OpenShiftSDN and also saw this issue.

dfarrell07 commented 3 weeks ago
