subosito / flutter-action

Flutter environment for use in GitHub Actions. It works on Linux, Windows, and macOS.
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Check master branch if not found in 'any' channel #312

Open ThomasAunvik opened 3 weeks ago

ThomasAunvik commented 3 weeks ago

Attempted to use a tag for the master branch, but when i used any as the channel, it fails to find.

Unable to determine Flutter version for channel: any version: 3.23.0-12.0.pre architecture: x64

- name: Flutter
  uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2.16.0
    channel: any
    flutter-version-file: pubspec.yaml

Changing it to master works good, but would rather choose when to use stable or master in the yaml file if i could.


  sdk: ^3.3.4
  flutter: 3.23.0-12.0.pre