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nodemcu netpine brink #2

Open suchanoot11 opened 6 years ago

suchanoot11 commented 6 years ago

node mcu netpine brink.txt

suchanoot11 commented 6 years ago

/ NETPIE ESP8266 blink /



const char ssid = "itfitm"; //your ssid const char password = ""; //your password

define APPID "itfitm" //your AppID

define KEY "EXu5zEVL4JZvD4K" //your Key

define SECRET "PyOAFdozWueQujeMgwEWzVsQ7" //your Secret

define ALIAS "NodeMCU12E"

WiFiClient client;

int timer = 0; char state = 0; MicroGear microgear(client);

/ If a new message arrives, do this / void onMsghandler(char topic, uint8_t msg, unsigned int msglen) { Serial.print("Incoming message --> "); msg[msglen] = '\0'; Serial.println((char )msg); // If messaage = 1 On LED, If 0 LED off if((char *)msg == '1'){ digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // LED on }else{ digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // LED off } } }

/* void onFoundgear(char attribute, uint8_t msg, unsigned int msglen) { Serial.print("Found new member --> "); for (int i=0; i<msglen; i++) Serial.print((char)msg[i]); Serial.println(); }

void onLostgear(char attribute, uint8_t msg, unsigned int msglen) { Serial.print("Lost member --> "); for (int i=0; i<msglen; i++) Serial.print((char)msg[i]); Serial.println(); } */

/ When a microgear is connected, do this / void onConnected(char attribute, uint8_t msg, unsigned int msglen) { Serial.println("Connected to NETPIE..."); / Set the alias of this microgear ALIAS / microgear.setAlias(ALIAS); }

void setup() { / Add Event listeners /

/ Call onMsghandler() when new message arraives / microgear.on(MESSAGE,onMsghandler);

/ Call onFoundgear() when new gear appear / //microgear.on(PRESENT,onFoundgear);

/ Call onLostgear() when some gear goes offline / //microgear.on(ABSENT,onLostgear);

/ Call onConnected() when NETPIE connection is established / microgear.on(CONNECTED,onConnected);

Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Starting...");

pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); //Set LED Built-in to Output

/ Initial WIFI, this is just a basic method to configure WIFI on ESP8266. / / You may want to use other method that is more complicated, but provide better user experience / if (WiFi.begin(ssid, password)) { while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } }

Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.println("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());

/ Initial with KEY, SECRET and also set the ALIAS here / microgear.init(KEY,SECRET,ALIAS);

/ connect to NETPIE to a specific APPID / microgear.connect(APPID); }

void loop() { / To check if the microgear is still connected / if (microgear.connected()) { Serial.println("connected");

/* Call this method regularly otherwise the connection may be lost */

if (timer >= 1000) {

    //chat myself with invert stage
      state = 1;
      state = 0;              
    timer = 0;
else timer += 100;

} else { Serial.println("connection lost, reconnect..."); if (timer >= 5000) { microgear.connect(APPID); timer = 0; } else timer += 100; } delay(100); }