suchetanrs / ORB-SLAM3-ROS2-Docker

This repository contains a full wrapper class for running ORB-SLAM3 on a docker container with ROS2 Humble with Ubuntu 22.04.
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'Waiting for images' only when adding an object to the simulation #11

Open OdedHorowits opened 4 days ago

OdedHorowits commented 4 days ago


So this is a weird phenomena. When the room I created is empty, everything works fine. However, when I just add an object to the world *.sdf file, the orb_slam is not working. But I didn't change anything but adding that model! What can be the issue?? Screenshot from 2024-07-01 15-32-12

Screenshot from 2024-07-01 15-31-37

This is how I add the object:

      <pose>0 0 -0.09 0 0 0</pose>

      <pose>7 0 0 0 0 3.1416</pose>

Why would it have any influence on the orb_slam node?

p.s. Adding another object works ok. In both cases I dont get any warning on the terminal where Gazebo was launched from.

suchetanrs commented 4 days ago

Hi, that is very strange :p I have not worked with ignition gazebo to tell you what might be happening. However, it might be useful to run gazebo in verbose mode to look at the detailed logs. Something like this existed on gazebo classic. Not sure what the command is for ignition. Let me know if you find something on this.

Also, can you please check if the topic is actually receiving data and the issue is not from the wrapper's end?