While messing around I discovered that you can make the side bar stretch all the way to the other side of the window, effectively creating a full screen side bar. It became immediately apparent you're not supposed to do that as the tag button gets inconveniently distant and it becomes too hard to downsize it again because of how thin the grabbable area is.
Also if you resize the window itself below the sidebar size, a horizontal scroll bar appears, if you scroll using it the UI elements such as the close, maximize and minimize buttons are displaced.
Steps to reproduce:
While messing around I discovered that you can make the side bar stretch all the way to the other side of the window, effectively creating a full screen side bar. It became immediately apparent you're not supposed to do that as the tag button gets inconveniently distant and it becomes too hard to downsize it again because of how thin the grabbable area is. Also if you resize the window itself below the sidebar size, a horizontal scroll bar appears, if you scroll using it the UI elements such as the close, maximize and minimize buttons are displaced.