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fix two dependabot security alerts #90

Open jerkey opened 3 years ago

jerkey commented 3 years ago

github's dependabot says we need to do something so it can see what versions of pug and ecstatic we're using - this looks like it might be no big deal but since it's flagging as a possible security issue we should try to fix it. As for ecstatic, there is an actual security issue that's relevant unless we're using a more recent version.

Here's what github says we should do about it:

what to do about pug dependancy issue

what to do about ecstatic dependancy issue

kenrestivo commented 3 years ago

Those links are 404

kenrestivo commented 3 years ago

Dunno about security alerts, but I ran dependabot on a fork and merged its recommendations

jnny commented 2 years ago

@kenrestivo wanna turn that into a pull request? :)