sufone / qawl

📖 Quran Reader for Linux, Windows, macOS
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Built app improvements (system icon, package name, window title) #34

Closed mr-islam closed 3 years ago

mr-islam commented 3 years ago

windows works with a simple .png set, though it artefacts a bit soemtimes

linux did not work, but maybe that's because I didn't explicitly set the window icon, while on windows it's auto from the application icon if unset. I remember something like that being a bug in the past

mr-islam commented 3 years ago

icon String - The path to icon set directory or one png file, relative to the build resources or to the project directory. The icon filename must contain the size (e.g. 32x32.png) of the icon. By default will be generated automatically based on the macOS icns file.

mr-islam commented 3 years ago

specifying the browserwindow icon made the windows icon better, but on elementary os it still remains bad (not sure if this is specific to it) - tried as a deb and appimage just in case.

hopefully some community member can take care of this, and in the meantime use their own .desktop file setting the icon right