Decoupling the Argo indexing has raised questions about the usage patterns for Argo facets and searches. We would benefit from gathering and analyzing this data in some way. To consider:
what questions we would like to answer
what tooling might be needed
what data to gather
how to do this and respect privacy (it may be a staff application but this still matters)
Different questions could be answered with different tools. SDR workflows can be so disparate and varied that knowing a facet is used at all may be as important as knowing how much it is used. For example, I use the three "workflows" facets all the time to monitor how the system is working. It's unlikely that many other people ever use those facets at all.
Decoupling the Argo indexing has raised questions about the usage patterns for Argo facets and searches. We would benefit from gathering and analyzing this data in some way. To consider:
Different questions could be answered with different tools. SDR workflows can be so disparate and varied that knowing a facet is used at all may be as important as knowing how much it is used. For example, I use the three "workflows" facets all the time to monitor how the system is working. It's unlikely that many other people ever use those facets at all.