sul-dlss / searchworks_traject_indexer

indexing MARC, MODS, and more for SearchWorks
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Index eResources data from FOLIO #767

Closed cbeer closed 1 year ago

thatbudakguy commented 1 year ago

There was some discussion around using a FOLIO-specific "electronic access" field for these resources, but since our last workcycle we've determined that we're going to just keep them the way they are, so eResources are just regular MARC with a link in the 856 field.

Thus, we think nothing special needs to be done to index them — just need to confirm this by looking at some example items and checking that they appear correctly in SearchWorks (relative to their non-folio versions) then this ticket can be closed.

thatbudakguy commented 1 year ago

@ahafele can maybe get us some examples?

ahafele commented 1 year ago - a12451243 - a13288549 - a10151431 (purl example)

thatbudakguy commented 1 year ago

sw-folio-dev may not have the records at all: indexing is being skipped? need to figure out why. see e.g.

corylown commented 1 year ago

Both a10151431 and a13288549 are handled correctly, with links/embed showing up in the right place. a12451243 isn't indexed at all. We think a12451243 was skipped because it doesn't have any items. a10151431 and a13288549 have items for other reasons.

We might need to modify this logic ( so that electronic records without items get indexed but other records without items do not. Or there might be a reason to add some sort of item data so we get browse nearby?

12451243 has a 999 field in Symphony which gives it an item_display field in Solr MARC:

999     a| INTERNET RESOURCE w| ASIS c| 1 i| 12451243-1001 l| INTERNET m| SUL r| N s| Y t| SUL u| 5/12/2018


12451243-1001 -|- SUL -|- INTERNET -|-  -|- SUL -|-  -|- lc pr  3562.000000 l0.385000 002014 -|- en~a8~~wutx}zzzzzz~ez}wruzzz~zzxzyv~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -|-  -|-  -|-  -|- LC

A side effect of this is that the record shows up in browse nearby

corylown commented 1 year ago

We think we want to construct item_display and related fields for records that are electronic records with an 856 link that do not have an item in FOLIO.

corylown commented 1 year ago

@ahafele @saseestone currently, in SearchWorks you can apply filters to get to e-resources that are provided by Lane (or other libraries):

Thank you!

cbeer commented 1 year ago

If so, what in the record will indicate the library for the record

Most eResources just have the location "SUL Electronic" and aren't available as a building facet today. Unlike those, (some? all?) Lane eResources end up with a permanent/effective location library of Lane. There's also Electronic locations for Law, Business, and HILA (Hoover) that seem like they're actively used.

I'd say if we have the data, we might as well show it? I think we know patrons use library as a subject filter

ahafele commented 1 year ago

For non-Lane e-resources records the Holdings locations will indicate the owning Library in terms of SUL, Law etc. See locations below. Does the current filter look at 856s also? Here are Law examples -


Lane is more complex in their locations. They have many digital locations. @saseestone and I are meeting with them soon and could discuss then if needed. But here are just a couple of Lane examples

corylown commented 1 year ago

@ahafele is there a complete list of Lane electronic location codes somewhere? I think I'll need this in order to select the right holding to use for the owning library of the electronic resource. (Although, maybe we expect that any of the holdings on a record would have the right location...I'm not sure.)

ahafele commented 1 year ago

@corylown I will ask Lane for this.

ahafele commented 1 year ago


@corylown added a couple more to list

corylown commented 1 year ago

thank you @ahafele !