sul-dlss / web-archiving

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robot deploy accumulates cron jobs, eventually causing errors #1

Closed ndushay closed 8 years ago

ndushay commented 8 years ago

cron jobs seem to point to specific release directory, not "current" so can end up with multiple cron jobs for same robot, and/or cron jobs for specific release directories that no longer exist

drh-stanford commented 8 years ago

The whenever gem uses the specific release directory rather than the current symlink. It will replace the cron jobs on a new deploy, but if the app or stage name changes it will cause duplicates. For example, it keys off of "was-crawl-preassembly_staging" to replace the cron jobs, so if that key changes, you'll get duplicates.

# Begin Whenever generated tasks for: was-crawl-preassembly_staging
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /home/lyberadmin/was-crawl-preassembly/releases/20160621225331 && ROBOT_ENVIRONMENT=test bundle exec rake robots:verify --silent > log/verify.log 2> log/cron.log'

# End Whenever generated tasks for: was-crawl-preassembly_staging
ndushay commented 8 years ago

so the issue may have been that the app or stage name changed and so an old cron was kept there because of that? Seems plausible -- I may have noticed "test" vs "staging" somewhere.