Parts Pack for Kerbal Space Program, featuring ISS-inspired habitation, science lab and other crew compartments for building space stations and planetary outposts.
KSP 1.0.5 now supports docking ports with limited docking angles, which will allow the IACBMs to be restricted to docking at 90 degree increments.
Notes from @NathanKell :
Added bool snapRotation (default false) and float snapOffset (default 90).
Works as follows: if true, then the minRollDot check is applied once per snapOffset rather than only for one possible angle. You can think of the default behavior as snapOffset = 360.
This means if you set acquireMinRollDot and captureMinRollDot to, say, 0.95, and snapOffset to 45, and snapRotation to true, you can dock in one of 8 orientations, but you will need to rotate to be close to one of them before you are acquired/captured.
KSP 1.0.5 now supports docking ports with limited docking angles, which will allow the IACBMs to be restricted to docking at 90 degree increments.
Notes from @NathanKell :