[x] replace ids in css with classes (because it is possible to add two trees at one page)
[x] add library docs
[x] replace an icon with beautiful one
[ ] add support for color themes
[x] refactor CSS-styles for tree. Class names should be more specifiсally, because now it is a library, and it may use in various pages, including pages with same class names. And now, markup is ugly(
[x] add beautiful font 'PT Mono' from google.fonts
[ ] add feature with creation of filter function from textarea by new Function
[x] add feature with selecting some nodes by filter function
[x] add sorting for object keys
[ ] add highlighting for expanded nodes
[ ] add search by js-path (for ex. root["phoneNumbers"]["0"]["type"])
[x] add displaing js-path for each node by click? And copy this path to search form (for editing path and finding similar or child nodes)
[ ] add expanding of root node by depth (count of descendants levels)
[ ] add expanding for all tree recursively by some function (for ex., expand all nodes with some count of children) Fix docs!
[ ] Add unit-tests for library
[ ] Add custom templates for values (by matcher + handler). For example:
strings which starts with "http://" displays as link
nodes with label "color" displays with circle of color in value at right side
numbers displays as "123 000 000" with spaces
nodes with label "image" by mouseover shows images preview
[ ] Add "find and get as array" feature. Not nodes marks, only result displays as array.
[ ] Change app.js' styles and class names. Now this is very ugly!
new Function